to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 179 - 9/24/18
Wake up America! A bit brash perhaps, and certainly not intended
for everyone since many locally and in our country are more up to date
on current events than the author of this review! BUT... it still
is a worthwhile warning, because the evidence does exist that many of our
citizens today are not up to date on forces that can change the future.
With mid-term elections coming in a couple of months, choices Americans
make can and will drastically impact that future! The intent here is to
review such critical topics!
And a type of disclaimer here! The information submitted in this
column and in the next few weeks comes from sources I have found to be
very reliable over the last 50 years of reading, researching and teaching.
Though not necessarily endorsed by myself as some thing which must be believed,
but in my opinion, definitely worth careful consideration! This week we
will look at our economy and comments made on it by various authorities.
The following have been taken from national magazines and market reports
like NewsMax magazine, Market Update printed in Minnesota and Independent
Living which comes out of South Carolina and is printed by American Press.
Ron Paul - well known national political figure: "The very large and
growing federal debt will cause a major crisis in the government's debt
burden which will be unsustainable. Instead of cutting spending or raising
taxes, politicians can be expected to pressure the Federal Reserve to do
their dirty work for them via inflation. The FED may experiment with
"negative" interest rates which punish Americans for saving. Continuing
to use debt to create more money will erode the dollar's purchasing power
and decimate middle class Americans who are already seeing any gains in
their incomes eaten away by inflation. One likely scenario is the type
of widespread economic chaos not seen in America since the Great Depression...
The growth of Marxism... and the willingness of some... to use force against
their opponents suggest that an economic crisis will result in civil unrest
which will be used to crackdown on individual liberty."
Michael Snyder - conservative economist: "Despite recent favorable
headlines, we still see the U.S. heading towards a long-term financial
crisis. 1)U.S. consumer credit is at an all time high of $3.9 trillion.
2)Student loan debt is at a record $1.5 trillion (up 79% since 2010).
3) Credit card default has risen 7 quarters in a row. 4)Real wage growth
in the U.S. is down by the most in 6 years. 5)People 65 and older are filing
for bankruptcy at three times the 1991 rate, and 57 major retailers have
announced store closings so far in 2018. 6)The U.S. budget deficit is up
21% over the past two years. 7)Interest on the national debt will pass
1/2 trillion dollars for the first time ever this year. 8)Goldman Sachs
projects the U.S. budget deficit will surpass $2 trillion by 2028. Even
a possible increase in tax income can do nothing to slow the runaway deficit
spending in Congress or the exponential growth of unfunded liabilities."
Fred Hickey - economist: "With inflation rising and U.S. unemployment
low, the FED has no choice but to keep raising interest rates... another
such hike is a near certainty, putting even more pressure on Americans
weighed down with record debt."
Mac Slavo - economist: "This debt problem is so big that it will usher
in a global economic crisis of epic proportions... global debt is staggering...
and most of it will never be repaid."
Jake Wren |
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