October events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Teens,
It’s that time again where we begin to think about cooler temperatures, colorful leaves, hot chocolate and a new season.  I love the colors of Fall as they speak change and provide and invitation to embrace the beauty right before our eyes.  We have a lot of great opportunities in October for our youth to engage in their faith through worship, fasting, retreat, socials, service, and prayer.  Please consider joining us in this month of greatness as we dive into our youth ministry process. 
On Oct. 3rd the Jr. high will meet for a movie night at the OMG at 6:30 p.m. for pizza and 7:00 for our movie.  All 7th and 8th grade students are invited!  We will have First Friday Adoration on Oct. 5th at St. Mary’s at 10:00 p.m. Please know that families and youth are invited and encouraged to attend this special time with the Lord!  On Oct. 6th we will begin our 30 hour Fast at Keuterville a 10:00 a.m.  You must have your registration form, money, (35.00 donations and 10:00 supplies) and a dozen cookies to sell to attend the Fast. Please remember to start fasting at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, You can get the forms from the school offices or at the Church office. Parents, we will be collecting money at each of the Masses for Catholic Relief Services and World Vision, pledge sheets will be available. To complete the Fast we will attend the 10:00 a,m. Mass at Greencreek followed by a breakfast at the hall.  Please know the community is invited to attend this celebration of giving!   
We have an Adult team planning meeting for Confirmation at the Habit at 7:00 p.m. on Oct. 8th.  We will be discussing the Confirmation retreat and scheduling Confirmation classes for the upcoming year. On Oct. 10 the High School youth who will be helping with the Jr. High Rally will meet at the OMG at 7:00 to practice a skit.
On Oct. 14th all of the Confirmation candidates are asked to attend the 10:00 a.m. Mass at Greencreek.  You will be receiving a Blessing Rite at this Mass.  Following the Mass we will have a mini retreat at the CEC in Cottonwood. The retreat will begin with a breakfast and followed by the retreat.  The Haiti mission team for 2020 will meet at the Omg at 7:00 to discuss fundraising, so if you are planning on joining our next trip to Haiti please be present.  On Oct. 17th the Jr. High are invited to the OMG for our faith night.  We will start with pizza and our study will begin at 7:00 p.m.  All 7th and 8th graders are invited and encouraged to attend. 
On Oct. 23rd all youth who were Confirmed last year and are interested in either being a Eucharistic minister or lector are invited to a training at St. Mary’s at 7:00 p.m. On Oct. 24th the High School youth will be trick or treating for canned food throughout Cottonwood and Ferdinand.  We will be collecting canned food for the food bank.  Please meet at the OMG at 5:00 p.m.  We will trick or treat from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.  Dinner will be provided.  A prize will be awarded at the end of the night for the best costume.  Please note: I will need adult drivers for this event.  Please contact me if you can drive. 
   The Jr. High Rally will take place in Lewiston on Oct. 27th at All Saints Parish.  I must receive your registration forms by Oct. 8th for you to receive a shirt, otherwise I can still register you up until 15th of October. Registration forms can be picked up at the Church office or by contacting Debbie.  We will leave from the Church parking lot at 8:30 a.m.on Saturday, the 27th and return at 8:30 p.m. that evening.  I need adult drivers and chaperones for this event.  Please contact me if you can drive or attend. 
   The 29th of October brings with it an invitation of prayer.  All High School youth are invited to the OMG room for food an prayer.  We will begin at 6:30 with food which will be followed by praying with and for each other.  I hope you can attend this special night!
   May the Lord bless this month as we move out in his grace to serve him more fully!  Happy October everyone! 
   In the Spirit,

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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