Workshop to be Offered in Lewiston
A free Medicare Workshop for individuals turning 65 and those approaching Medicare eligibility will be held Tuesday, October 16, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Community Action Partnership center, located at 124 New 6th St., Lewiston. Caregivers and all those interested in learning how Medicare works are encouraged to attend. The workshop will be led by Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA), a unit of the Idaho Department of Insurance. SHIBA presenters will introduce the various parts of Medicare and explain some of the vocabulary associated with the program. Topics to be covered include: ·* Timeframes for enrolling in Medicare ·* Enrollment periods for Medigap, Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans ·* How the different parts of Medicare work together – and when they don’t To register for the workshop, please contact the SHIBA office at 1-800-247-4422.