Hasselstrom named coach of the year
Prairie football  coach Ryan Hasselstrom won the Coach of the year award at the Warrior Athletic Association High School Awards Banquet last Wednesday, Oct. 3. 
Hasselstrom said this should really be a staff award as he credits assistants Teel Bruner and Matt Elven with much of the success of the program.
The Prairie Football Team made the top 3 finalists for team of the year.
Prairie High School had 28 people attend the Warrior Athletic Association awards banquet last Wednesday evening and since Prairie was the loudest and most enthusiastic group, they were awarded a $500 scholarship for a senior that will be attending LCSC next year! 
Other nominees were Leah Higgins-Female Athlete of the year. Jace Perrin-Male Athlete of the year and Gus Hoene- Meritorious award.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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