to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
To the Editor,
This November, Idahoans will vote “yes” or “no” on whether our state
should expand Obamacare through Proposition 2.
The biggest problem of all is that your taxpayer money will be taken
to help pay for expanded Obamacare instead of going to our schools and
repairing our roads. Not good.
I receive more calls and messages from people in District 7 who are
angry with our schools not being adequately funded and our roads not being
repaired quickly enough. Not once have I received a phone call from someone
in “the gap” who can’t afford healthcare. That is why I have not
supported Medicaid expansion as a legislator.
Idaho’s Medicaid program already covers children in low-income families.
It already covers people with disabilities. It already covers pregnant
women living in poverty. Healthcare coverage for the needy and vulnerable
is not up for debate.
What is up for debate is free Obamacare coverage for those who don’t
need it as much described in the proposition as “certain individuals”:
healthy (not disabled), working age (not elderly), and mostly childless
The potential new Obamacare enrollees already have options available
for obtaining affordable insurance. Obamacare already offers subsidies
that make health insurance incredibly affordable. Comprehensive insurance
plans are available to individuals through the state-run exchange, Your
Health Idaho, for as little as $11 dollars per month, with no deductible.
I think that people should have safety nets. And I think they should
have access to affordable health insurance. But expanding Obamacare would
primarily offer free healthcare to those who can acquire it for themselves.
Do you want better schools and roads, or do you want to pay for other
people’s healthcare? Now the choice is yours: government healthcare
for some or infrastructure that serves everyone. Eventually you may
be paying for both. Please vote NO on prop 2 on November 6th.
Representative Priscilla Giddings
District 7A
Expansion of Medicaid?
Good or false philanthropy? Consider Idaho’s Prop 2: Medicaid
Expansion. Many say “What about the sick, the lame, the “poor”, or
this case, low income “able bodied adults”? They say, “Let’s turn
to the law. The law will solve it”. But if passed, can the
law alone solve it? Is the law itself the breast that fills itself with
milk? Nothing enters the public treasury for the benefit of one citizen
without forcefully “taking” from another citizen…unless the program relies
alone on donations (any of our 39 State agencies and additional 200+ sub
agencies sustained solely on donations?). Law is a force “to take”.
Is it a good force? Well, if I am put in jail for robbing someone
to pay for my medical bills, are the citizens of Idaho (not members of
the legislature in this case because this is a citizens’ initiative) going
to jail for “plundering” me by the “force” of law to pay their neighbors
medical bills? This isn’t a harsh judgement or a non-charitable position.
It rightly asks the long term question, how can a program be sustaining
if it injures one group of people to benefit another group? Is it
not possible to have unintended consequences of “well intended” legislation,
or poor legislation? If we want respect for laws, we have to have
respectable laws. My greatest concern though of charity law(s), regardless
of the law, is this: the more people look to government to “provide” the
more they act like subjects and not a free people. Is the “land
of the free and home of the brave” a fading legend?
But you may continue to say “Let’s turn to the Law” to solve this issue.
I ask again “Is the law by itself the breast that fills itself with milk”?
So far, not in Idaho. The distributors of the “milk of nourishment”,
Idaho’s Health and Welfare, brags the largest (or 2nd largest) budget:
$3 billion, $2.6 + billion by force of law (not donations) and near $0.4
billion borrowed. So who’s on the hook to pay this borrowed money
back? Yep, your name, and my name are on that note. Add that
to your mortgage, current medical bill, vehicle payment, grocery bills.
So do we need another law?
(By the way, I don’t know if Prop 2 is a truly an Idaho citizens’ initiative.
Issue, yes. Initiative, no. The major funding for this
ballot proposition, according to my research at Idaho’s Secretary of State
office, came from Washington D.C. not Idaho; it’s from the same company
that paid for this same initiative to be run in Utah and Nebraska along
with Idaho this November. A phone call and research to the State
of Utah and State of Nebraska confirmed this).
Scott Perrin
Cottonwood, Idaho
Letter to the Editor
These past weeks listening and watching the belittlement of our justice
system and of taking down of an honorable and reputable man, Brett Kavanaugh
(now U S Supreme Court Justice) was the most sickening and un-American
thing I have ever seen in my lifetime.
If you believe in your God given rights, the laws of our land, the
right to life, the right to bear arms and if you love America and you love
Idaho, you must get to the polls and vote for the party that believes in
your rights as citizens.
Vote for all our Republican candidates on November 6
Reminder “Ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”
Marge Arnzen
Redneck Review!
No. 182 - 10/15/2018
Interesting what one gets in the mail or sees on the news these days!
Or gets in the mail from a periodical of some kind! In my case,
all three of these sources came to my attention lately as I tried to catch
up this morning after spending a weekend in Boise ID at a wedding of a
grand daughter of ours!
First, the news. Recently a news item reported that increasing
costs of paper stock and fees for delivery were causing several daily papers
across the United States financial problems threatening their existence.
Reported bluntly there were some that had ceased production for that very
Then from a news letter I receive monthly came the disturbing news
from publishing tech giant Facebook news executive Campbell Brown who recently
"warned a group of publishers that if we don't work with the social media
giant, 'I will be holding your hands with your dying business like in a
hospice.' " The news letter continued, the "Simple truth is as more independent
publications...go under, the more cemented into place the tech elite's
monopoly grows."
The same news letter printed the following statement, and I quote:
"The Alliance for Audited Media confirms that daily newspaper circulation
across the United states has dropped 43%."
Finally, in the mail came a little envelope with the simple address:
Jake Wren P.O. Box Cottonwood ID 83533,
with a short note on a 2" by 4" card: "True freedom lies in doing
what you ought to do, not what you want to do." Then directly below
that was written: "What you ought to do is subscribe to your local newspaper."
PERIOD! That was it! No signature! No way of knowing
who the author was! No return address on the envelope, just simply
printed "Spokane WA 99010. Hey! I do subscribe to the local
paper, The Chronicle!
And note that there was no box number! Just P.O. Box? And the
zip code on the envelope was 83533, not the correct 83522! Amazing!
Makes one wonder how it even got here! And to add further to the
mystery was the irony of the "True freedom is what you ought to do..."
That was a definition of real freedom that I used repeatedly in my classes
in history and economics during my 50+ years of teaching! Finally,
also in the little envelope was a copy of a letter to the editor of the
Lewiston Tribune that I had submitted earlier that simply said "Goodbye"
"Hard to do but please discontinue my subscription." After nearly 40 years
as a subscriber, I noted I was forced to quit because of the relentless
effort on the part of the editorial page cartoons ridiculing Pres Trump
and his supreme court nominee. Two huge articles in a recent Sunday paper
made it sound like confirmed justice Kavanaugh was guilty of not only the
charge levied against him 36 years earlier by a high school girl, but of
other things in college like "gang rape!"
Further aggravating my reaction, there was not a single word in either
article noting that he had been investigated without charge SIX times earlier
by the FBI as he moved from one sensitive area in government to another.
Nor was there a single word noting that a seventh FBI week long investigation
reported no significant evidence that the event had happened, or if it
had, that it involved Kavanaugh! Sloppy reporting! And I am
inclined to say: UnAmerican! We rely on our press to investigate
and give us the facts and the truth, and I bluntly charged the Tribune
with falling into the clutches of enemies of our country who are determined
to destroy our way of life! If this was truly the case, then a paper
I have learned to love because of its sports and its other features we
rely on deserves to grow broke and out of circulation! And I am continuing
to sneak a peek now and then to see if its cartoon selection changes! Then
I would hurry to renew!
Jake Wren |
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