to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
To the Editor
The people who need medical insurance through expanded Medicaid are
not all “takers.” They are your friends, family, neighbors, employees.
They probably won’t tell you everything because they are afraid to be seen
as needy. They are ashamed they can’t afford what they need.
The poor are ostracized and embarrassed. They are human beings with
constitutional rights to life.
I gathered signatures for the Proposition 2 Medicaid expansion initiative
that is on the ballot for Idaho. Out of nearly three full pages,
the only people who didn’t sign were already receiving socialized healthcare;
elected Idaho County officials and Idaho County employees. One other
was on Medicare, another social program. Are they “takers?”
From the ones who did sign, I heard of exorbitant medical costs, family
members who couldn’t afford to see a doctor, unaffordable insurance premiums
and prescriptions. But who hasn’t needed a hand at some time?
If charity could solve those problems, why is there still a problem?
Yes, about two per cent take advantage of the system. Do not
falsely judge and penalize the 98 per cent because of those two.
Some people double dip on their home owner exemption. Shall we take
away everyone’s property tax exemptions?
What needs to be addressed is expensive medical costs, insurance premiums
and prescriptions; it would take over forty hours of work at Idaho’s minimum
wage, before taxes, to get a tetanus shot at Syringa General.
Instead of stadiums named for insurance companies, tax breaks for the
top one per cent or fancy medical offices, our citizens should get what
is needed – affordable healthcare, a living wage, less “I got mine and
the heck with the rest of you.”
Vote “YES” on Proposition 2 for expanded Medicaid, November 6, or vote
early at your county courthouse.
Michelle Perdue
Letter to the Editor
Consider these facts before you vote on November 6: At least 21,904
people have died on waiting lists in states that have Medicaid Expansion.
About 650,000 disabled and handicapped have waited for years while the
able bodied get health care before them (Foundation for Government Accountability).
One little girl from Little Rock, Arkansas, waited for 10 years with a
rare neurological condition called Schizencephaly, while the state enrolled
300,000 able bodied adults. (FGA)
I would agree with Dr. John Livingston, appointed by Gov Otter to the
Your Health Idaho oversight board in 4/2013, “Medicaid Expansion will allow
many people to believe that when the government steps in, they are discharged
of their personal obligation to take care of their own family, friends,
neighbors.” Besides taking away our right to help others in a personal
way, we also lose the financial means to do so. Coercion and the
loss of incentive to work reduce human dignity.
Dr Livingston highlighted, “The Wall Street Journal pointed out that
there are 35 million people, mostly friends and family members who provide
in-home health services to 55 million patients for free…. The price tag
of this care: more than $500 billion a year….The $500 billion
is almost equal to annual state and federal government Medicaid spending.”
Wow, how will the government afford to pay for Medicaid Expansion?
Will we be taxed beyond our means?
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the New Testament, Luke 10:
30-37, we find that charity is personal individual attention with donation
of private funds. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say that
the government should pay for the needy but He holds us accountable to
help one another. If charity is coerced whether by taxes or another
way, it is not charity. Charity is a personal free choice,
detailed, loving, tender.
Proposition 2 expands funding to Planned Parenthood and expands funding
for abortifacient contraceptive drugs (Right to Life of Idaho)
Vote “no” on Proposition 2
Sheryl Nuxoll
Dear Editor,
We have a chance to elect someone who will truly represent all of us
in the 1st Congressional District. Cristina McNeil is running for the seat
being vacated by Raul Labrador this fall. She strongly supports public
education and would like to see more emphasis on pre-kindergarten education.
She also values higher education and technical training that prepare people
for jobs of the future, not the jobs of the past. She believes that health
care is a basic need for everyone. She would like to see reasonable immigration
policies that allow for farmers, ranchers and other industries important
to Idaho’s economy to find the workers they need. As a naturalized
citizen she understands the challenges of the current immigration system.
She supports increased infrastructure spending to update or replacing roads,
bridges, dams, energy and drinking water that support jobs and human health
and safety in Idaho. She would like to see criminal justice reform that
would work to rehabilitate prisoners.
As a community organizer, working for the Idaho Community Action Network,
she knows how to listen to and work with other people towards common goals.
You may have seen McNeil who has spent the summer criss-crossing the state
appearing in many parades, county fairs and other events, meeting many
people along the way and listening to their concerns and sharing her views.
I met Cristina in Cottonwood where she attended the Idaho County Fair and
the Democrats Soup Line dinner. She is a kind and compassionate person
willing to listen to and work with others. Let’s send someone to
Congress who wants to work with others to find common ground, not to fight
and obstruct. Vote for common sense, common ground, and common courtesy.
Vote for Cristina McNeil for U.S Representative for the 1st Congressional
District on November 6th!
Norma Staaf
Redneck Review!
No. 183 - 10/22/2018
Wooosh! The sound one hears when something goes by, two fast
to see, but momentarily able to hear! In this case -- Time!
Two weeks ago, seems like yesterday... a paragraph in these reviews read:
"In future reviews, the question of exposure to both sides of critical
issues (being discussed) will be raised, and a look at some sources supporting
positions differing from the majority liberal ones will be taken."
That is the intent of this review today.
But prior to doing that, it is also worth remembering that mid-term
elections nationwide are only weeks away, and once again, the direction
this country will take in the future can be significantly determined!
And as time goes by, "wooosh," it will be here before we know it!
To begin, following are submitted as "facts" that can easily be established
by research, but which may not be accepted as such by many loyal Americans
today! Time and space however, prevent the "proof" which is claimed
here can be provided anyone willing to take the time and effort to dig
it out! Some suggestions concerning the existence of such "proof" will
be provided at the end of this review.
Fact #1: Our United States is relatively young in the history of nations,
but in that brief time, has risen to the envy of the world in the freedom
it has provided, the wealth it has created, and the standard of living
it has offered. Our immigration problems testify to these claims!
Fact #2: That accomplishment can be traced to a belief in God, and
the related Christian belief in Christ and His Great Commandment - "Love
God and your neighbor as yourself." That basic principle coupled with the
Ten Commandments laid the foundation for belief in the value of each individual,
of free enterprise economics, of people control of government, of an individual
work ethic, and a rule of law creating the environment responsible for
success claimed above. What has happened here is a logical result of
that belief system.
Fact #3: Contrast the above with the growing infatuation with socialism
which is today the darling of about 75% of our college school systems,
our Hollywood elite, and our national press and TV. And it seems
not to matter that the tried and failed socialist systems around the world
in the past and in places like Venezuela today provide solid proof that
the system has not worked, will not work, and logically, cannot work!
And underlying the entire system is the assumption that the average individual
needs help from a growing government which is determined to take care of
him, with offers of equal access to the good things of life.
Do not take my word for it! Hundreds of books historical and
analytical exist, written in favor of and in opposition to the conflicting
theories above. In a sense, all these reviews do is offer a type of "funnel"
into which dozens of books, and years of research have been poured, The
end result claimed here is that our traditional system has given us a system
unparalleled in the way of life which has resulted, whereas the socialist
alternative logically and historically has always and will continue to
produce starvation, poverty, and regimentation. The situation in Venezuela
today is current and visible proof of the claims made here.
For the best single book found by myself to document the Christian
foundation of our nation, read CONFIRM THY SOUL by Weber. And for solid
evidence supporting Fact #3 above, read books by D'Souza, Newt
Gingrich, Jeanine Pirro, David Horowitz, Dick Morris, and dozens of others
found on Amazon and in many public libraries. Some are real eye openers!
Jake Wren |
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