Soccer has 85 participants
The Cottonwood Youth Sports Soccer program had 85 players this year, ages 4 years through 6th grade. CYS Soccer allows our youth to get out and be active while learning valuable life skills and having fun. The program is completely run by volunteers. Thank you to this year’s coaches: 3rd-6th grade teams - Don Curry, Annie Vanator, Aimee Uhlenkott, Tony and Coleen Bennett, and Scott and Jaime Oliver. 1st & 2nd grade coaches: Ashley and Dione Severns, Lisa Labrum, Amanda Rehder, Jessie Sonnen and Chloe Rowland. Pre-kindergarten & Kindergarten coaches: Serena Lockett, Cassandra Coppernoll, Briget Forsmann, Fran Forsmann, Heather Seubert and Kim Johnson. Special thank you to Scott and Jaime Oliver for helping with the soccer clinic and equipment and Jeff Martin and Brent Rowland for painting lines on the field, and Shelley Schlader for doing pictures. Thank you to Cottonwood Foods for donating hotdogs and buns and Deanna Goeckner for cooking them. Thanks to parents and families for supporting your soccer stars! Shown are the youth soccer participants and coaches. Top photo are the pre-K and Kindergarten players. Second photo shows the 1st/2nd grade teams and the bottom photos shows the 3rd-6th grade teams. Photos by Tara Rowland. |