Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 186 - 11/12/2018
Well, it has come and gone once again!  Midterm elections that is!  And those of us who have been listening to the news know that both sides are claiming victory!  The "Blue Wave" predicted by the Democratic Party did not occur as they anticipated, but they did take control of the House of Representatives by a small margin!  That is essentially their claim to victory in this election!  As of this writing, Republicans have gained seats in the Senate 
raising their majority from 51 to at least 53, with still a couple in the undecided category. It's possible that recounts might add a couple more senators to their total.  Thus the Republicans claim victory because of this increased senate majority!
So for the next two years, the Republican party holds the executive branch, (Trump), and the Senate, while the House has switched to the Democratic party!  Should make for an interesting couple of years prior to the next presidential election in 2020! 
So did either party actually win?  You decide!  It is a fact that most of the time, the party in power loses in both houses, with control switching from one party to the opponents in at least one of the congressional houses.  Only a couple of times in the last few decades has the party controlling the presidency gained control or gained numbers  in both houses.  So with this in mind, the election results favored the Trump administration much more so than
polls prior to the election would have led you to believe!  Makes one wonder... how much faith can a person put in polls before any election?   Some of us older voters remember when the Chicago Tribune incorrectly printed "Dewey defeats Truman" in the 1948 election, Dewey having a considerable lead in the polls up to election day! And had to quickly pull their papers off of the streets and reprint the results a bit later when Truman actually won! And of course, all of us should remember the Trump shocker when he won 2016! 
This reminds me of two very important realities that are for the most part totally overlooked today!  The first is that national consensus today tells us that a huge majority of our national press, our Hollywood stars, and our elite teachers in our big universities favor the liberal or the Democratic side of politics today!  Not only do critics claim this to be true, but research tells us that even the people involved in those areas lay claim to their leanings.  And any alert follower of the news today and the research available knows this to be true!  Thus, the "Politically Correct" way of thinking today means that those who disagree are subjected to ridicule, harassment, and even at times, physical attacks! As mentioned in here several times in the past, even liberal Kirsten Powers in her book THE SILENCING agrees!  (See RNR #6 or #61 for full details on the claim made by this young LIBERAL lady!)
A second most important thing to consider today is the belief that each individual is a child of God, has immense importance, and the ability by oneself to change his surroundings and even "The World!"  Even the Bible makes this claim!   Recall as has been mentioned here before in these reviews, that God told Abraham that He would save Sodom and Gomorrah if only Abraham could find 50, then 45, then 40  down to 10, but he could not do so.  So the two
cities were destroyed for their wickedness by "sulfur and fire from the Lord." (Genesis: ch. 18, v. 24). Or read Ezechiel, ch. 33, where God appoints Ezechiel to be a "watchman" to warn of the disaster to come should the people not change their ways!  Or the same Ezechiel, ch. 22, vs. 30, where the Lord tells Ezechiel "And I sought among them for a man that might... stand in the gap before me in favor of the land, that I might not destroy it, AND I FOUND NONE!"  So here and in other places, the Bible makes clear that ONE MAN can make a difference! And one might ask I guess, is it OK to site the Bible in these days of "Political Correctness?"
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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