Senior Nutrition program awarded grant
The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2018 grant awards – the first program grants made in the life of the Foundation.  
This year, the Foundation received 156 funding proposals, requesting in excess of $5.2 million.  “We were overwhelmed with the amount of interest demonstrated in organizations which wanted to partner with the Foundation to improve the health and wellness of the residents of the nine county area we serve,” says Mark M. Havens, chairman of the Board of Community Advisors which screened the applications and made the final decisions.  
From the proposals submitted, the Foundation has selected 24 projects and organizations to receive grant funding this year.  The awards total over $250,000 in charitable giving, and the benefits from these projects will be felt by people throughout the nine county tri-state region.   One of those recipients was Prairie Mountain Nutrition, Inc., of Cottonwood for a new Refrigerator/Freezer. Prairie Mountain Nutrition, Inc. provides the Senior Citizen lunches each Tuesday at Cottonwood and Wednesday at Winchester.
The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation was established in 2017 by the Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden during the sale and conversion of St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston into a for-profit hospital. The Foundation serves the healthcare needs of the residents in Nez Perce, Latah, Clearwater, Idaho and Lewis counties, Idaho; Asotin, Garfield and Whitman counties, Washington; and Wallowa County, Oregon.  It is administered as a philanthropic trust by Idaho Trust Bank. 
“A lot of hard work has occurred by all stakeholders involved, from grant applicants to the Board of Community Advisors in determining grant award recipients,” said Desiree Prohaska, Chief Wealth Management Officer, Idaho Trust Bank. “There is a high level of need as well as high level of caring, and the impact these grants will have is apparent.” 
“The goal of this first grant program was to help improve the lives of the people of this region, in some cases the most vulnerable groups in our society,” says Havens.  “In addition, the Foundation wants to help strengthen organizations which share the same goals and values that we do.”  
The grant awards will be presented to the recipients at an awards reception at the Red Lion in Lewiston on December 5, 2018.  Havens reports that plans are already being made for grantmaking in 2019 during which the Foundation expects to make available more funding than this year.   For more information about the Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation, consult its website at    

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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