named vice-chair of Idaho State Senate Transportation Committee
Senator Carl Crabtree is honored to be selected to sit on three legislative committees during the 2019 Legislative Session, including a return to the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee (JFAC). Sen. Crabtree will serve as Vice Chair of Senate Transportation this session and for the first time on the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. “As a returning member of JFAC, my priorities remain focused on funding based on need and requiring measurable outcomes for every dollar spent. We’ve had agencies come forward asking for nine percent increases for their yearly budgets; that will not happen,” Crabtree said. “There’s some belt-tightening that needs to take place, and I’m there to make sure that gets done.” On the Senate Transportation Committee, Sen. Crabtree is focused on advocating for fairness in the trucking industry and promoting maintenance on roads and bridges necessary for commerce in District 7 and throughout the state. “One-hundred percent of our commodities in this area rely on trucking, whether that be timber, agriculture or mining,” Crabtree said. “As a State, we’re $200 million behind on maintenance for roads and bridges. Without the necessary infrastructure, our economies and livelihoods are at risk. That’s why it’s a necessity that we secure funding for maintenance and come up with achievable goals for progress.” Sen. Crabtree will be serving his second term in the Idaho Legislature for District 7, the largest District in the state. |