to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 192 - 12/24/2018
Well, it is here! The feast of feasts! The day Christians and
Christian nations honor the MAN of all seasons! The God Man, Jesus
Christ, the historical individual claimed here last week to be the
most significant person to live in all history! The person starting
our modern calendar, 2018 representing the number of years HE was born
long ago.
And again it is admitted here that many people today fill the news
with one denial after another, in a futile attempt to change the feast
of CHRISTMAS to some giant shopping frenzy! But fail they will, because
a careful look at history tells us that this God-Man did live, did die
on a cross, did rise from the dead, and did trigger a world wide movement
of love of neighbor and concern for others that has impacted every nation
of the world!
A careful study of history also proves that the beginnings of university
education and of hospital care can be traced back to the Middle Ages to
HIS followers and their conviction that sound education and care for the
poor and the sick, was a mandate that HE left!
So, it might be asked, what implications might this feast day have
for those of us who believe in the MAN Jesus Christ and the CHRISTMAS
we have celebrated this week? Especially since a new year is just around
the corner, and for many of us, a time to renew old resolutions and make
a few new ones as well! And for any others to do the same!
And what might a worthwhile New Year resolution be for anyone serious
about doing something new and worthwhile and in keeping with the Christmas
message? Along with ones each of us value personally, perhaps think about
the following topics!
One: Develop more fully respect and appreciation of the MIRACLE OF
LIFE! As has been noted frequently here over the past years, the
number of abortions in the U.S.A. since Roe vs Wade in 1973 exceeds 3000
a day! In our country alone! The number world wide is far more
staggering, and one beyond comprehension! If any one of us would
witness the callous destruction of these innocent babes in and out of the
womb, we would suddenly be so sickened we would quickly leave the scene!
For any reader who does not believe this, the challenge here is that you
see the movie or get the video GOSNELL! Or go on line and read one
of the several books about his trial and the life sentence he is serving
in prison for the repeated killing of babies outside the womb!
This is particularly pertinent to a Christmas season, as we read in
Biblical gospels that the child in the womb of Elizabeth, cousin of Mary,
"leapt for joy!" when Mary visited her after conceiving the child Jesus
miraculously herself. Mary visited her because she was told that
her cousin who had always been barren, was six months along with a child
who became John the Baptist! Six months! Twenty four weeks! Ouch! Thousands
of abortions are carried out in this country on babes that old or older,
especially by doctors like Kermit Gosnell mentioned above! So, support
no one or any party that tolerates this horror! And do support all those
who work tirelessly to overcome this tragic reality!
Two: Be informed! Space allows no detail here, but recently a
U.S. department issued a warning that Americans should be prepared to feed
themselves for a minimum of six or more weeks. The advice concerns
our aging national electric grid, and the threat posed by enemies who would
love to disable it! And what about our fragile national economy?
Jake Wren |
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