attend Soil Health Workshop
Forty -eight people attended the 6th Annual Soil Health Workshop held in Ferdinand on January 29, hosted by Lewis Soil Conservation District and Idaho Soil and Water Conservation District. Thank you to Tom Gehring, Gary Lewis, Doug Finklenburg, Elaine Sonnen and Alex Arnold for sharing their knowledge and information with the audience. Thank you to the following for sponsoring this worthwhile workshop: CJ Air, Camas Prairie Insurance, CHS Primeland, Clearwater Seed, Columbia Grain, Cottonwood Credit Union, Diesel and Machine, Infinity Agri Service, Kuther Air Service, Nezperce Ag, Northwest Farm Credit Services, Riggers-Clearwater Farms, St. John Hardware, Seeds Inc, Simplot-Jacklin Seed. Thank you to the Assumption Parish ladies for preparing and serving the delicious meal. 48 people attended the Soil Health Workshop held in Ferdinand on January 29. Photo submitted by Karol Holthaus. Tom Gerhing speaks to the attendees at the Soil Halth Workshop at Ferdinand. Photo submitted by Karol Holthaus. |