The LCSC Report
By:  Carla Wilkins
983-2164 to Register
Travel Smart
Tues. Feb. 26th; 6-7:30PM
By: Carla Wilkins; Cost: $15
In Grangeville
Do you still check a huge bag at the airport? What’s your lost luggage or lost wallet strategy? Do you have extra apps loaded onto your smart phone to make vacationing easier? This class teaches how to use your phone to advantage, how to pack smarter, book cheaper tickets, and ways to prepare ahead so your vacation does what it’s meant to do – help you relax and have fun.
Plan Your Estate
Wed. Feb. 27th; 6:30-8:30PM
By: Jenneane Musegades; Cost: $20
In Grangeville
It's hard enough to deal with the loss of a loved one without adding probate issues. A little pre-planning can make the process much easier. Spend an evening with an estate attorney and learn the difference between a will and a trust as well as the burdens of each. Long-term care financial decisions, living wills and powers of attorney are also part of the estate planning process. Learn the plan that is perfect for your family.
Heavenly Scent – A Soap Making Primer
Sat. March 9th; 9:00am – 2:30pm
By: Sr. Carlotta Fontes; Cost: $59
At Monastery of St. Gertrude
Create beautiful cold-process soap using updated methods and ingredients. Learn how to incorporate safety and allergy tips when composing your soap. Make bars of soap to take home for yourself or to give as gifts. Part of your experience is enjoying lunch with the Sisters in the monastery dining room (included in fee).
Manage Your Back Pain
Wed. March 20th; 6-7:30pm
By: Gary McEwen; Cost: $20
In Grangeville
Are you tired of persistent back pain? Does it come and go? Is it worse in the morning? Have you had it “for years!?” Back pain affects 80% of Americans at some point in their life. Many sources of back pain are both preventable and treatable. In this class, students participate in therapeutic prevention, maintenance, and treatment measures which will help establish a strong, healthy and pain-free back.  Bring your questions, dress appropriately to be able to move freely and be ready to participate. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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