Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 199 - 2/18/2019
A bit of review!  RNR #197 noted there is a serious DIVISION in our country today which threatens the existence of the free and prosperous country those of us sometimes called "Rednecks" have enjoyed over the past several decades. And as noted there also, the Bible tells us in Mark, Ch. 3, v. 25, that "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
And the claim was made that the division involved can be found in the different opinions that separate those who look to the historical God man Christ, and HIS teachings now over 2000 years old, with stress on the greatest commandment: "Love God with your whole heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself," based also on the traditional Ten Commandments, and the more recent rapidly growing conviction in our country that SECULARISM is the modern way to organize society, that MAN himself not relying on God, must be looked to for answers to life's problems,  Thus SOCIALISM is turned to for the solutions needed.
It was argued in RNR #198 the critical differences mentioned above can be recognized in three different areas affecting the organization of a nation's structure.  A nation's choice of economics, politics, and culture and morality will determine which of the above solutions are looked to in the day to day conduct of its citizens.  Reference was made there to a claim of Professor Tyler of Scotland that a DEMOCRACY will last on an average of only 250 or so years before the demands of its citizens for gifts from the national treasury cause it to collapse in bankruptcy.  But this will happen only if the nation has adopted as its political structure that kind of democracy discussed at length in past reviews as: "Man ---> Government."  Note that this style of democracy gives MAN the sole decision concerning the type of political system he wants, as contrasted with the brand of democracy established by our founding fathers and our Constitution represented by the diagram: "GOD ---> Man ---> Government."  This structure of government is better labeled a REPUBLIC, as clearly noted in our original Declaration of Independence which includes the following statement:  "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men..." 
Clearly this system recognizes GOD as creator, and RIGHTS as coming from HIM, and thus assumes a people willing to live by HIS rules and HIS Commandments. And obviously, it does not endorse a SECULAR system ignoring God and its accompanying economic system SOCIALISM, which treats man as a dependent entity who relies on government to supply the necessary things needed in life - food, education, health care, housing... you name it!  Our slow drift into secularism and its logical political structure socialism is obviously the DEMOCRACY Professor Tyler was discussing in his analysis of the expected life of nations discussed above.
And the "Not Yours to Give" argument mentioned last review and discussed at length in earlier reviews by Davy Crockett again obviously assumes a nation based on the republic type above, and our Declaration, that government is not a giver of charity, and should not be so involved, as it leads to all kinds of inequity and preferential treatment. And does Frederik Bastiat's book THE LAW not say the same thing? That gifts governments take by force from those who earn them and then are given to those who have not better be called LEGAL PLUNDER! Only LEGAL  because government says so,  but still PLUNDER or better known as  THEFT, because taken by force from the owner and the earner.  It certainly cannot be called CHARITY, which we all know is a gift freely given by the owner to a recipient of his or her choice! And a government which gives such "charity" is not the type we have been blessed with in the past!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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