to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 202 - 3/11/2019
A quick clarification, then a return to earlier topics! Last
week, in response to a reader now and then, the last sentence in RNR #101
said that "books on these topics can be found on Amazon with search title
Camas Prairie." Not entirely true! The LET FREEDOM RING and
copies of RED NECK REVIEWs, from 1 to 150 are not available on Amazon,
but only from me personally, the Chronicle in Cottonwood, or the Country
Haus or Pub and Grub eating
places in the area. Get them there or call or email me! (See
bottom line!) Amazon does have two books of mine, A CAMAS PRAIRIE LIFE,
and CAMAS PRAIRIE - PROSE, POETRY AND PRAYER, and can be located there
with search words: Camas Prairie. Both books are available
in ebook and paperback, and the latter book has several selected articles
taken from the Freedom Ring and Red Neck articles.
Now, back to earlier topics mentioned in RNR #197. It was mentioned
there that a serious division exists again in our country, and one that
possibly can threaten our existence as the country we have all come to
know and appreciate. That division can easily be traced to the difference
of opinion that exists between the older more traditional beliefs of our
founding fathers and believers in Christianity which have been the bedrock
on which our nation and our society was founded and guided by over the
past 200-300 years, and the ever growing popularity of what might best
be called secularism. Secularism essentially pushes God and a dependence
on HIM out of the picture, and teaches that mankind alone must be depended
on for answers to questions and solutions to problems.
These basic differences of opinion show up very clearly in economics,
politics, and the moral and cultural behaviors of the people involved.
Reviews 198 and 199 cited past authorities like Davy Crockett who claimed
that tax money taken by government IS NOT YOURS TO GIVE as charity, and
that doing so often results in a REVERSE ROBIN HOOK effect, as many of
the receivers of the so-called government charity are better off than many
of the less fortunate tax payers who are forced to give. Professor
Tyler of Scotland argued very well that democracies have a life expectancy
of only 200 or more years before the demands of the people on the gifts
given by government drives the nation into bankruptcy. Noting clearly the
same thing which can be predicted to happen, Frederik Bastiat, in
his book THE LAW written over 200 years ago, argued that taxes forced from
the people then handed out to selected recipients amounts to LEGAL PLUNDER!
LEGAL only because it has the force of law, but PLUNDER or THEFT obviously
because it is taken from one party by force, then given to another not
earning it. All three of these sources and many others who come to the
same conclusion exist, and can give valuable insights into the future of
nations which fall into the patterns discussed.
At this point, it is critical to note that the above three sources
cited all deal with the very same basic conviction: government should
have the power to decide who receives the benefits and who pays the cost
of tax money received. Digging deeper, it is obvious that the government
needs not only the power, but has the responsibility of promoting the welfare
of its citizens. Unlike the traditional Christian belief that individuals
are responsible for themselves, and for personal charity to others when
needed, the underlying philosophy of thinkers above is that somehow everyone
is entitled to equal shares of the good life, and that it is the responsibility
of government to see that this happens. Even a casual acquaintance with
the news today speaks loudly in support of this thinking and the people
who endorse it! And it is the intent of the next RNRs to take
a long and hard look at this issue and the people who endorse it!
Jake Wren
PO Box 355,
Cottonwood ID 83522
jakewren@isp.com |
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