Cottonwood awarded street paving grant
Jack Duman announced at the March meeting of the Cottonwood City Council that the city had been awarded a grant that will be used to re-pave School Street along with several of the lateral streets connecting School Street with Lewiston Street.
The meeting was held Monday, March 11.
Duman reported Cottonwood scored as the #4 ranked project submitted, qualifying them for the funding. 
In other business a memo of understanding between the Cottonwood and Grangeville Police Departments was approved. This allows each entity to help the other if asked. It does not require one to help the other as local events may take precedence. Each department can opt out at any time.
The form used for the MOU was taken from a standard from provided by ICRMP the City’s insurance provider, and modified to fit the situation.
A catering permit was approved for RoDonna’s for the Hospital’s Mardi Gras event planned for Saturday, March 23.
The snow load ordinance was discussed. Trailer court owner Phil Reed’s lawyer had informed the city that federal statute says that manufactured homes meeting Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards can not have greater restrictions put on them by local governments.
After discussion Duman made a motion to exempt the 50 lb. snow load requirement from HUD certified homes until the ordinance can be modified. The motion passed.
In reports Pat Holthaus noted the city pumped 2.5 million gallons of water and sold 2.1 million for a 15% loss. These numbers were estimated due to snow covering most of the water meters.
The pipe fusing apparatus was discussed. Sewer commissioner Don Munkers had asked water commissioner Pat Holthaus if the funding split could be slanted toward the water department as his available funds had been tapped due to the pipe bursting equipment recently purchased. Holthaus said he was okay with it, if it can get refunded. This will be discussed further at the next meeting once they receive the invoice.
In addition to the grant money announced earlier, Duman said there has been lots of snow to plow but otherwise everything else is looking good in the street department.
Linda Nida reported the Senior Citizens installed their new refrigerator-freezer. Some modifications of the cabinets had to be made to get it to fit.
Duman reported the slurry seal grant application for the airport runway was supposed to have been submitted last week. He got an okay for an extension as he wanted to run things by the council before submitting. He is looking as a $114,000 project which would include work on the run-ups. A 50% match is needed. He figures about $12,000 of in-kind work which would be for crack sealing, $17,000 in the airport reserve account and another $10,000 from one of the customers who would be using one of the run-up areas for loading. That leaves approximately $20,000 to cover. The Council had approved previously to use some of the general fund reserves. He decided against slurry sealing the taxi-ways as that is another $14,000. Duman will go ahead and submit the grant application.
Nida reported the fire department sold the old compressor and air bottles to the Genesee Rural Fire Department for $2750. The new compressor and bottles are working very well. They had no calls in February.
The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, April 8 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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