to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 204 - 2/25/2019
The clock is ticking! The day is ever closer! Much like
the day before the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor, 12/7/1941, or terrorist
airplanes struck the Twin Towers in New York, 9/11/2001, or even the stock
market crash in October, 1929, Americans might be well advised to
avoid being blindsided again! It is common knowledge that the day
before each event above, most people in this country had no clue that disaster
was about to strike the very next day!
So it might be asked, could such a similar disaster strike the United
States in the near future? What percentage of citizens would be adequately
prepared? Also, it might be asked, can the average citizen do anything
to ward off a potential event like those mentioned above? It is the purpose
of this RNR to explore the possibility that a similar disaster could occur,
and what, if anything, a single individual might do to prevent or prepare
should it happen!
To begin, what are legitimate threats that could change our lives drastically
and dramatically?
1) Physical: It is no secret that enemies of ours around the
world would love to launch a knock out blow to our country! We hear
repeatedly that our electric grid could be reduced almost to nothing by
a nuclear device exploded high in the air over us, an EMP (Electromagnetic
Pulse) it is called by those in the know! Such an event triggered
by an enemy could result in deaths of 90% or so of our population, as our
power grid could be down nationwide for months or so. And the same
power grid is also subjected to attack in other ways, by an enemy who would
try to hack our computer controls, or even by a natural event which could
disrupt huge parts of the country, and destroy our aging system which is
long overdue for a complete overhaul.
2)Political: For whatever reason, there are increasing numbers of individuals
in our government who are determined to turn the U.S. into another Venezuela!
Do your own research! Only a few decades ago, that country had one of the
highest standard of living in South America, and even ranked high around
the world in that category! Now? Read the news! People are
starving and are revolting! Inflation is out of control, and the
government is even refusing outside help! But what do we find now
in our country? New congress people openly pushing socialism, and
even creating waves as potential candidates for president in 2020!
Hard to believe? Check it out! And what about the influence of a
huge percentage of our universities today who push the failed system among
80% or more of our instructors? And trigger the hatred found today
among the liberal left who refuse to even discuss issues deemed more traditional?
Just what on earth is going on today, and how has it happened in this land
of the free and home of the brave?
3)Economic: Does out of control federal spending and ballooning national
debt pose a danger? Will this trigger hyper inflation like that experienced
by Venezuela today? A computer search states that inflation there
will hit "10 million percent" in 2019! Is this even possible?
4)Moral or cultural: HOW CAN A STATE LIKE NEW YORK and others, pass
a law allowing abortions up to the moment of birth, even allow survivors
to die afterwards, then proudly light up locations in the city hailing
the passing of such legislation! With abortions already passing 3000
per day since Roe vs. Wade, and approaching 60 million or so since, can
a just God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for lesser crimes overlook
this horrendous tragedy?
More concerns exist, but can a single individual do anything to help
ward off a possible day of reckoning? Obvious! In this still
claimed Christian nation, down a bit, but still 75% of our citizens (2015
Wikipedia poll), PRAYER and SACRIFICE during this Christian season of Lent
might be all that it takes! A solution important enough to be considered
again next week!
Jake Wren |
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