Cottonwood City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their April meeting Monday, April 8.
A resolution was approved to finance purchase of fusion equipment for the water/sewer department. This equipment will enable the city crews to fuse joints in the pipe so that it acts like one long continuous pipe instead of having seams that are more prone to leaking.
Appendix A to the Verizon Lease Agreement was approved. It had just minor changes to the regular agreement approved previously.
The snow load ordinance amendment for mobile homes was tabled to the May meeting as attorney Joe Wright said he came across some other references to that code in the city codes.
The Wimer Fields lease agreement with Prairie Youth Sports was approved. It is a yearly lease with 4 automatic renewals, essentially a 5-year lease.
An airport lease change for the Riener, Poxleitner, Heckman hanger to have Poxleitner removed from the lease was approved pending proper documentation.
The solid waste agreement with Walco was approved with no changes.
A request for waiver of hall rent for the VFW’s awards banquet set for Nov. 9 was approved. The VFW had been holding their banquet at Keuterville but decided to move since that hall is not ADA-compliant and some of their members were having issues getting into the hall.
A request for lease on Oak Street by Chad Core was approved. This is the mobile home to the south of the Elevators that is partially in a street right-of-way.
The Cottonwood Community Cleanup has been set for April 22 to June 14. A Walco roll-off will be available at the city shop for lawn, hedge and tree trimmings and the like. Inert waste only.
The council approved purchase of a 2006 Ford F350 ambulance surplused by the city of Lewiston. This will be used for the sewer camera equipment. Using this vehicle was seen as a lot more economical than purchasing and outfitting a trailer.
A payment of $100 was approved for Clint Riener for his duties as airport manager.
The budget hearing was set for Monday, August 19.
In reports, Terry Cochran reported well over 50 people attending the Vaping presentation.
Pat Holthaus reported they had 2.6 million gallons pumped and 1.6 million sold for a loss of 35%. Roy Uhlenkott said much of that loss was accounted for by a leak on a homeowner’s side of the meter. It didn’t show up as going through the meter as that meter had been buried under snow and use had been estimated based on previous use.
Don Munkers reported they are discharging into the overflow area which is okayed by their permit. He said we “need it to stop raining.” He also gave kudos to the city crew on dealing with the wastewater issues.
Jack Duman had no street report.
In the land and buildings report Linda Nida said she is getting quotes for replacing doors on the main floor of the hall. This is part of the upgrade started a few years ago. She also reported that Prairie Mountain Nutrition paid for the cabinet remodel necessitated by the new refrigerator/freezer.
In the fire department report Nida said there were no calls but that the crew has done some training.
Duman report the grant application had been submitted for the airport runway work.
Taylor Cash appeared at the meeting and suggested having a city cleanup in the fall in addition to the spring cleanup. Duman said the Walco rolloffs are usually tied up at that time due to fire season but something could be worked out.
Cash also had a concern about cats coming into his yard and leaving their droppings. He asked if something could be done or if he could live trap them. It was suggested if he trapped them to take them to the Humane Society or contact Animal Ark.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, May 13 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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