Club award winners named
Following are the award winners for the Cottonwood Gun Club. AA class winner - Lowell Mader A class winner - Paul Forsman B class winner - Clint Riener C class winner - Jacob Wimer D class winner - Carson Forsman Short Handicap winner - Clint Riener Medium Handicap winner - Derek Schaeffer Long Handicap winner - Andy Uhlorn Kelly Hinkelman new adult shooter- Kira Baker Larry Stubbers new junior shooter- Ben Gehring High Junior shooter- Carson Forsman High Sun-Junior shooter- Ben Gehring Most Valuable shooter - Clint Riener Most Valuable Junior shooter - Ben Gehring Doubles winner- Brandon Poxleitner Continental Ted Toennis Memorial- Andy Terhaar High Lady Singles- Kim Schmidt High Lady Handicap - Jackie Poxleitner High Overall Handicap Ron Nuttman Memorial- Clint Riener High Overall Singles-Handicap-Doubles- Brandon Poxleitner Outstanding Memorial Rich Riener Memorial- Kevin Schmidt What a Youngster Kevin Kaschmitter Memorial- Lane Mader What a Woman award Jane Toennis Memorial- Jackie Poxleitner Most Improved Shooter-Kim Schmidt Cottonwood Gun Club Junior winners: back row. Ben Gehring- High Sub-junior-1st place, New Junior Larry Stubbers memorial, Most Valuable Junior- Connor Forsman - Sub- Junior Shooter 2nd place, Carson Forsman - High Junior shooter 1st place, Logan Wimer- High Junior shooter 2nd place Front row: Tristian Mader - 2018 High Sub-junior 2nd place, Lane Mader - Lane Mader- What a Youngster Award Kevin Kaschmitter Memorial. Photo by Jean Spencer. Pictured in the above 2 photos: Gun Club members enjoying the nice day shooting some Annie Oakley shoots. Photos submitted by Jean Spencer. |