Whatsoever Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
God's provision for our inadequacy. 
There are many understatements in the Bible. 
Please don't think me critical in any way of God's word, but our language just is not sufficient in places - IE  "Greater is He that is in you, than he who is in the world".  It ain't even close.  Other places (IMHO) are those who attempt to describe the Godhead.  We are incapable of ascribing the worth and worship Jesus is due.  
Just look at John 14 for a moment.  Jesus had been telling His disciples that He had to go, and that something wonderful would happen as a byproduct; the arrival wholesale of The Holy Spirit.  Listen as Jesus tries to convey to them and to us (via our finite understanding) the gravity of the Holy Spirit.  In vs 16, Jesus says God will send "another Comforter" (note capitalization, as this is one of Christ's titles in 1st John 2:1 although translated 'advocate'). Elsewhere He says "one such as or (like) myself", another understatement as it is translated from the word - faximile - from which we get facsimile or exact copy. 
But here's where human understanding explodes.  In the next verse (17), He says: "Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him:"  fasten your pew-belts - "but you know him for he dwelleth with you (the person of Jesus Christ) and shall be in you".  What?   First He says The Spirit of Truth, then He says I am with you and you know me, and I will be in you.  Is that a stretch?  Look at the next verse (18).  "I will not leave you comfortless (many Bibles translate this orphaned or fatherless), I will come to you".   Not ambiguous there.  This is why Paul's chosen reference for the Holy Spirit was - "Christ in you" or Christ in us".  Wowza.  
Let's turn the Spiritual Switch:   Many tell me they "want to please God with all their hearts, but find it difficult if not impossible".  The fact is that today's Church has become "de-supernaturalized".  We were meant to be Supernatural,  and Unexplainable; to be Supernaturally enabled w/regard to addictions, and forgiveness - a shy person Boldly proclaiming the Gospel, and Joy in the midst of terrible times (Psalm 119:165).  This should be true for not only individual Christians, but also His Church.  Will we gladly give up the American dream to be a selfless church in a selfish land?  No matter how badly we desire it, this perpetual state of joy, peace and power,  is only possible via the Holy Spirit, and absent Him (His indwelling), we are relegated to a nice club accomplishing some good in our communities, in our own strength, but not/never Supernatural. 
It is somewhat like having the very best toy ever created, and no batteries - "if you abide (remain) in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit, but apart from me you can do nothing" John 15.  Does this all sound like foolishness to you (1st Cor. 1:18)?   Come join us Sunday as we endeavor (feebly)  to convey what this all means and what is available to us by way of "His provision for our inadequacy".   God bless. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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