City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held a lengthy meeting Monday, May 13. The session opened with a couple of public hearings. The first was regarding a variance request from Red Gate Enterprises, LLC and Orvieto Investments, LLC. Ryan Uhlenkott represented the two firms and the request was to build into the setback along Church Street for the entrance to their proposed Sisters Apartments. After discussion it was felt that it would be helpful to make have specific information so the public hearing will be continued to a later date. The other public hearing was regarding the amendment to Ordinance #181 pertaining to snowloads on manufactured homes. The first reading of Ordinance #251 was held. At 7:28 the public hearings were closed and the regular council meeting called to order. The city’s auditor was present and went over the FY 2018 audit and financial statement. He noted there were no major concerns or compliance issues. Jerry Richardson was present with a request to connect his new shop building to the sewer line that is in the nearby alley. He plans to run water line from his home. Later in the meeting it was voted to approve this request as there was precedent in the community. He will be asked to pay the hook-up fee and will get a no occupancy charge for the sewer service. Linda and Dale Hemerick were present about issues with one of their neighbors. Mayor Pepper Harman told them they are investigating those issues. Serena Lockett was in attendance with some requests regarding the proposed Cottonwood Summerfest set for the final weekend in July. They asked if they could use the City Park Cabana for a kids dance on that Friday evening. This would go from 6 to 8 p.m. They were informed yes and the rental cost is $20. They also asked about electricity for vendors setting up on Main Street. Is there a way to access it from the light poles? They would need to contact Avista. They also had questions about having an outdoor beergarden on Main St. It would be set up in front of Doreen’s. They were asked to submit a site plan. Maurice Seubert appeared with a request to run water and electricity from his house to his garage/shop across the street. He was asked to talk with Avista regarding the electricity. As to the water going under the street, they had issues with that especially since there is a water already there for the residence that used to be where Seubert’s garage is located. They could see why he didn’t want to pay the $2000 hook-up fee and suggested he talk with the adjacent neighbor and see if he could work something out. The council voted to approve $3,000 toward the Ida-Lew Development Council, the same commitment they had last year. Ordinance #251 was passed with an amendment correcting a typo. This would exempt manufactured homes that were built to federal snow load standards from the city’s more restrictive snow load rules. In reports, Pat Holthaus reported according to the numbers they sold more water than they pumped. This was due to the estimated numbers for the months when they couldn’t read all the meters. The 3-month average showed a 9% loss. Later in the meeting Holthaus played back the audio from a meeting a couple years ago to bring the current council up to speed on a request from Carla Sisson to hook into the water line that services the BLM. She will be at the next meeting. Don Munkers reported he attended a meeting where some communities had received their sewer discharge permits and they were having some issues. It would be best to be prepared for some of these once Cottonwood finally gets their permit. The sewer line in what used to be a dedicated alley through the middle of Jack Wimer’s property where his apartments are located was discussed. Wimer had sold several of the lots already to people who plan to build houses. The city would prefer they don’t build over the still buried sewer line and would need to contact Wimer and the purchasers to work something out so that the city would still be able to service that line if need be. Jack Duman reported that mag chloride application for dust abatement is coming soon for gravel streets. They are looking at some culverts. They are also still waiting on the outcome of the FEMA grant. He reported there is also a good possibility of getting a chip sealing grant. He talked to the Idaho Transportation Department and they are scheduling a chip seal for the Highway 95 business loop this summer. The city would like to do some crack sealing first. In the fire department report they had 2 dumpster fires reported. One had some aerosol paint cans that had exploded. The Council meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. They next regular meeting is set for Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m. |
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