to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
To the Editor
Ignorance is Bliss!
When it comes to zoning requirements, have you ever wondered who is
pushing for all of this control?
I would suggest you study up on Agenda 21 & Agenda 30, as well
as the World Wildlife Fund, etc.
Obviously, some one wants us all out of here - badly. Why?
Consider the resources here & the monetary value thereof.
Here's roughly how it works, in a nutshell:
You go to your bank & apply for a loan/mortgage. If you "qualify",
the bank transfers credits, not money, to your account. You sign,
& give to the bank, a promissory note for the loan amount, which the
bank enters into it's system as an asset. Now, to this point, nothing
of intrinsic value has been exchanged. You gave the bank a paper
note, & the bank gave you credits. Now what is the "asset" in
a promissory note? It is your future labor and productivity. So
far, the bank has risked nothing. Nada. Zero.
But, they insist that you carry full value insurance on the items covered
by the loan, so that, in the event of a setback, their "loss is covered.
Remember, most insurance companies are affiliates of the major banking
houses. So, your signature created the "loan", the bank granted you
valueless credits, and you pay their affiliate company to protect them
against "losses". Are you starting to get the picture?
Now, should you default, the bank may foreclose, or re-possess said
properties, which do have intrinsic, or real value. Or, in the event
of another setback, the bank is covered by the insurance you paid for.
Sweet deal huh?
So, the name of the game is to use financial means (jobs, pricing,
availability of commodities, etc.), taxation, & regulation to control
the populace. Which, in our case, will be to herd everyone into urban
areas, in a stack 'em & pack 'em environment.
Are you really ready for this?
Dick Lawson
Redneck Review!
No. 216 - 6/17/2019
Review time! And a time to choose! The time for each of
us to decide which is the type of government we want to live under!
Which of the three recently discussed offers us the best chance to keep
and preserve the system which was established in our country during its
founding days, and which of the three has been responsible for our amazing
standard of living and the most personal freedom the world has ever known!
In summary, it was boldly stated two weeks ago, in Review 214,
that there have been only three different kinds of government since the
very beginning. The most common can simply be represented as: Government
--> People (G-->P). The "G" here usually involved a dictator, a single
individual who in some way, by heredity or by force, had total control.
It also would include those historical cases where a small group, ruling
absolutely, held all the power. The power to pass laws, to enforce the
laws, and to judge any dispute which arose over the meaning of any law.
The history of nations is filled with this type of government!
The second kind of government was given to us by ancient Athens in
Greece, known in history as DEMOCRACY. And everyone knows, the choice
of most of the so-called modern world! And definitely the system
urged on less developed countries, by the more advanced! Also
the type which has gathered the most momentum in our country today. That
is accurately represented by: People-->Government
This system is the one most feared by our Founding Fathers, who bluntly
issued all kinds of warnings which we gave examples of back in Review
#209. Essentially, those warnings claimed that a DEMOCRACY of this
kind, P-->G, was nothing more than "Mob Rule," where a simple majority
of ONE, could force any law or rule on the minority, a minority who had
no recourse because of the system itself. And the scary thing today,
is that a growing number of politicians, and an equally growing number
of young millennials seem to be caught up in this type of system.
One can almost safely say that the 2020 presidential election will see
a face off of the surviving candidate representing this idea against a
more conservative one who is more representative of the past!
Of the two remaining systems of government found most often in history,
the more common one will look like: God-->Gov-->People, known historically
as a "Divine Right" arrangement, which easily is found in early England,
and historically in older civilizations like China, India, or other ancient
countries. The heart of this system was simply this, that the government,
or the ruler in this case, was held in check more or less by the belief
in a supreme being, or a "god" of some kind or another. Hence, the
party in control COULD NOT ACT simply as he or she at the time might have
wanted to!
But another remaining structure exists, which as agreed
historically, was the unique invention of our founding fathers! Called
at one time a REPUBLIC, though in recent decades if not even centuries,
the definition has been blurred to mean not more than DEMOCRACY!
(See Review #213). This unique system, clearly traced back to our Founding
Fathers, can best be illustrated by: God-->People-->Gov. It is bluntly
claimed here, that this unique structure is responsible for the amazing
record of freedom and prosperity which has come to identify America!
So the choice is yours and mine! Will we repeat the disastrous
times in the past, when a simple P-->Gov (Democracy), was established
lacking the solidity, order, and brotherly love which was an integral part
of our unique system, America's REPUBLIC: God-->P-->Gov? Time
will tell!
Jake Wren |
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