can register now for Fair Parade
Idaho County Fair is just around the corner on August 14th-17th and
the Fair Board would like to let you know that you now can enter your float
on line by going on to
to register. The parade is on August 17th and line up states at 9:00 at
the Hangout. We would like it if you could be registered with us by Friday
the 17th. The theme this year is “Idaho Country Fair it’s in our Nature”.
You can join the Idaho County Royalty, Queen Naomi Connolley, 1st Princess
Clarissa Stevens, 2nd Princess Madison Adams, and the Fair Board with some
kind of entry be it car, pickup, 4-wheeler, horse, buggy, or simply walking.
If you do not have a way to go online there is forms you can fill out in
Cottonwood Cronicle, Idaho County Free Press, and Idaho County Fair Premium
Book. You can also get a hold of the Parade Chairman, Joyce Gehring-Sonnen,
at her work (208)962-5850 or on her cell at (208)507-1839. Have a wonderful
time at this year’s Fair.
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