Rowland meets with local government officials for 4-H project
My name is Chloe Rowland, and I am a 14 year old, 6 year Idaho County 4-Her who has had some amazing opportunities to learn about my government and civic duties. I was fortunate enough to get to attend the 2019 Idaho 4-H Know Your Government (KYG) conference. The Idaho 4-H KYG project is a two to three year civic education program with a focus on the Legislative and Judicial branches of government and a possible third year for conference planning or reporting. At the KYG Conference, held in Boise every year during the President’s Day weekend, teens in grades eight and nine learn about government and citizenship, the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society, and have the opportunity to participate in a mock legislative session or trial. As a first-year KYG delegate, I participated in a Legislative mock session as a lobbyist. The bill our committee debated was, “The Elimination of Homework in Idaho Public Schools.” As a lobbyist, my responsibility was to research the issue and form a stance to be presented to members of the committee. A lobbyist’s role is to exert influence over elected officials by introducing legislation and encouraging them to vote certain ways. Lobbyists make sure elected officials hear and understand both sides of an issue before making a decision. My job at KYG was to convince mock-committee members that eliminating homework in public schools was not in the best interest of Idaho students. After my presentation delegates debated the bill and in the end it failed to pass. As a KYG Conference delegate, I also had the opportunity to watch the Legislature in session, tour the Idaho State Capitol Building, attend a Legislative breakfast, and participate in other leadership and team building activities with 4-Hers from all over the state of Idaho. As part of my KYG 4-H project I learned about local government, taxing districts and boards, elected officials, and the election process. I attended City Council and County Commissioner meetings, interviewed elected officials including County Commissioners, the County Clerk/Treasurer, the County Coroner, and a Cottonwood School District School Board Trustee. I also learned about running for public office and the roles and responsibilities of our elected officials. I learned a lot about some of the issues affecting the City of Cottonwood and Idaho County and how elected officials are working to solve problems. In addition, I learned about our state government and how bills become law, parliamentary procedure, legislative committees, and community service. I chose to attend the Idaho 4-H KYG Conference and complete the KYG project because I wanted to learn about government and how to be a better, more educated citizen. I appreciate our elected officials and the work they do to improve our communities. I plan to attend KYG conference next year and participate in the Judicial workshop. ![]() Chloe Rowland is shown with Cottonwood City Council members as part of her 4-H Know Your Government project. From left are Rowland, Jack Duman, Pepper Harman, Linda Nida, Pat Holthaus and Don Munkers. ![]() Rowland with the Idaho County Commissioners. From left are Mark Frei, Skipper Brandt, Denis Duman and Rowland. ![]() Rowland with County Auditor/Court Clerk Kathy Ackerman. Photos by Tara Rowland. |
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