The LCSC Report
By:  Carla Wilkins
983-2164 to Register
All three September classes are being held in Grangeville.
Beginning Spanish & Culture
Mon & Weds, Sept. 16th – Oct. 9th (8 classes); 3:30 – 5pm
By:  Francisca Garner; Cost: $53.50
Must register by Sept. 9th so books can be ordered!
Taught by a certified teacher and a Dominican native Spanish speaker, this four week course is designed to introduce students to basic pronunciation, vocabulary and short conversation. The beauty of Latin American culture, through music, videos and food tasting, will also be covered. 
Sign Language for Children
Tues & Thurs, Sept. 24 & 26th; 7-8:30pm
By: Dr. Meleah MuCulley; Cost: $30
Are you interested in a unique way to increase your baby's communication and language skills? Do you know a child who becomes frustrated when trying to speak English? Are you interested in learning the basics of a new language for yourself? This two- evening class will introduce the strengths of using American Sign Language (ASL) as a visual communication tool with infants and young children, for either educational purposes or just for fun. Children over 8 yrs are welcome if an adult registers with them. Copies of recommended books and links to free online resources will be available.
Quickbooks 2018
Wed, Sept. 25th; 9am – 4:30pm
By: Janice Gobbi; Cost $85
Learn QuickBooks 2018, a computerized accounting system that helps you record sales and deposits, invoice customers, enter and track bills, and write checks.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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