Al-Anon group started at Grangeville
Find the help and support you need through AL-ANON. Al-Anon is a support group made up of relatives and friends of alcoholics or drug abusers who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems and better understand the issues of addiction and the difficulties faced by the people who love them. All information shared will be kept confidential, and participants will remain anonymous.  
An Al-Anon Group is being organized in the Grangeville area and will meet weekly on Wednesdays, from Noon — 1pm. At the Grangeville United Methodist Church, 404 West Main Street, beginning Wednesday, September 11. There are no dues for membership, and there is no cost for participation. A free light lunch will be provided for participants.
Al-Anon is not affiliated with any religious sect, denomination or political group. Al-Anon has but one purpose, and that is to help the families of those dealing with addictions of any kind.
For more information, contact:  Rev. Luann Howard at (208) 983-0310 or (208) 553-0395

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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