September events for Tri-Parish Youth
It’s that time again!! The days are getting shorter, school bells are ringing, football and volleyball practice has started, and alarm clocks are going off early.  We are not only preparing for the new school year but also the youth ministry season as well.  I am so excited to begin another journey toward Christ with all of you and look forward too many faith -filled adventures as we begin this process! 
As we begin this month of Sept I will really be focusing on organization with my adult teams.  We will have a few big youth events, but my main priority will be meeting with my adult leaders to discuss and plan for the upcoming school year.  So, youth, please be patient as I prepare the way for the next eight months.  I promise it will be worth the wait!  
We will begin the month of September with a Haiti 2020 meeting at the OMG on Sept. 4th at 7:00 p.m.  This meeting is to catch up and discuss our plans for upcoming fundraisers.  Please be present or send a parent to get the information we discuss.  The beginning of the month also brings with it an invitation for all High School youth who are not Confirmed to sign up at any of the Church’s in the month of September.  Sign up sheets will be at the Church entrances beginning Sept. 9th throughout the month of September. Confirmation classes will begin with a Retreat in October so watch the bulletin!  On September 6thth all Jr.High, High School, and adults are invited to attend Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Mary’s at 10:00 p.m.  The Lord is waiting for you and can’t wait to see you!  
I will be working on the 30 hour fast most of the week of Sept. 9th -13th so we will not have any other meetings this week.  On Sept. 14th the High School youth will be meeting at Keuterville hall at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning to begin the 30 Hour Fast.  I will be handing out forms, early in Sept with all the information.  I will also have them available in the file on the porch at the office.  You are asked to collect $35.00 for fasting and pay $ 10.00 for supplies, also this year you will need to bring a large Cardboard box with you for the event.  I am collecting them but will not have enough! Also, bring the forms and money with you to the FAST on the 14th.  All proceeds go to Catholic Relief Services and World Vision to support those in poverty.  I love this retreat! The youth will be collecting money at all masses during the weekend of Sept 14th -15th. Thank you for your support!   
On Sept 18th we will have our “Back to School” Bash for all youth and their parents.  I love this night, as we play games, eat smores and enjoy dinner together.  The greatness of each youth shines through in every activity!  We will start the night with dinner at 6:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church!  Please invite your friends and bring your parents.  It’s always a great time! (I will have sign-up sheets for youth ministry for the youth available at this event) 
I will be meeting with the Confirmation team on Sept. 23rd at the Habit at 7:00 p.m.  We will meet to discuss and plan the upcoming Confirmation schedule and set the date for the Mini Confirmation retreat in October.  All adult team members are asked to attend and receive a free coffee!  On Sept. 25th I am tentatively planning a meeting with my adult male team leaders.  This is a new group who will meet to discuss and plan sessions for High School guys who are playing sports and are busy doing guy things.  My goal is to plan around the busyness of life and provide an opportunity for our young men to attend a faith-oriented session focused on God, led by men.  I am working on getting a few High School boys to attend this first session as well for input.  Please pray for this group.  It is a new idea, but I believe worth doing!  
     The grace of God is present when we seek, knock, and ask.  So, Lord I ask that you bless this beautiful month of Sept.  Watch over your amazing youth as they step into this new school year.  Bless them with courage, strength, perseverance and knowledge and help them to know they are absolutely loved by you our; Good, Good, Father! I ask this in your holy name!   
(Next month we will meet with adults to plan Jr. High and High School girls sessions) 
In Christ’s Spirit,

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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