to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 229 - 9/16/2019
A good title for this review would be: "The Evolution of Money - Part
III." And add to that title: "A final look (for the time being!)
at this topic."
In Review 227, it was claimed that the money system of virtually every
nation goes through an evolution similar to: Barter->Primitive Money->Sophisticated
Money->Certificate Substitution->Reduced Reserves->No Reserves->FIAT MONEY.
Included in that claim was the argument that gold and silver were universally
selected as the valuable units of exchange. This was true simply
because these two metals best have the properties required of a unit of
exchange: They are portable, divisible, acceptable, scarce, durable, and
stable. Certificate Substitution made sense and followed because of the
convenience of carry, and was as GOOD AS GOLD OR SILVER, so long as the
certificates were backed up with a 100% exchange guarantee!
Then in Review 228, it was noted that the U.S. dropped the gold guarantee
for its citizens in 1933, even making it illegal to own gold (other than
jewelry), and for the payment of foreign accounts in 1971. Silver was reduced
in coins in coins in 1964, and totally eliminated in 1968, and the traditional
silver certificate guaranteeing a 100% exchange for silver was replaced
by the Federal Reserve Note, which looked like the certificate except the
guarantee at the bottom suddenly disappeared in the same year, 1968.
So, harping back to our stress on COMMON SENSE, should it surprise
you to observe what has happened in our country in the last 50 years or
so since 1970? It should not, because any government which can justify
increased spending will immediately take advantage of having more money
to spend to stay in power! After all, it the citizens have any say,
are you not forced to keep them happy in one way or the other? Students
of history know the Romans used "Bread and Circuses," to maintain power.
The "Bread" was the government program of giving food to the citizens who
would take it, and the "Circuses" included the free chariot races, the
death battle of gladiators and the slaughter of Christians by lions in
the Colosseum arena! And the historical record tells us that one way the
Romans increased their money supply was by "Clipping their coins!" Ingenious!
They would shave the metal to use in making new coins!
So what does the record show has happened in our U. S. since
our government and its bank, the FED (Federal Reserve) have had the power
to print FIAT money? Should you be surprised, knowing that perhaps the
number one goal of any government is to keep the people happy and thus
to stay in power? And certainly to fund ALL programs by taxes is not going
to achieve that goal! So BORROWING becomes the method, and the record
shows that our national debt has grown since 1970: 1970 - $371 billion,
1980 - $908 billion, 1990 - $3.4 trillion, 2000 - $5.6
trillion, 2010 - $13.6 trillion, Today - 2019 -
$22 trillion! Do the math, and this means that every single U.S.
citizen, 327 million we are told, from 1 day old to death day, owes
around $67,000 EACH! For a real eye opener, use Google to see the
U.S. National Debt Clock, and see a real time picture of our debt,
increasing by the second! At the time of this printing, that debt
stood at $22.567 trillion, and will go to $22.568 probably by the time
you read this article! (Note: All debt figures above list the LOWER of
research on Google and Apple SIRI!)
What does this tell us about a comment made by Right Side News: "In
5000 years of history, never has a paper currency survived longer than
about 50 years?" Or professor Alexander Tyler's claim that
a "democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can
only exist until voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of
the public treasury!" Prof Tyler also claimed that democracies
last only an average of 250 years! (How old is the U.S.A?)
Jake Wren |
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