Board meets
The school board held their October meeting Monday, Oct. 21. Carletta Allen was hired part-time as speech therapist as the only applicant. The board reviewed the Idaho School Board Association proposed resolutions but Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said she didn’t see any that affected our district. Forsmann also reviewed the enrollment for the district and discussed Kindergarten options. Safety busing was approved. This is something they have to approve each year. The Continuous Improvement Plan was discussed and approved. Policy updates were discussed. All were approved except section 3450 and 2700 which need some questions answered and will be on next month’s agenda. In the facilities report Forsmann noted the Monastery’s water system upgrade appears that it will cost less than originally estimate. The district portion of the cost is 35% for high school use. They are looking at sealcoating the high school parking lot. In administrative reports Forsmann said they had their first attendance assembly and drew names for Respectful, Responsible, Ready. They will do this each month with different prizes. Progress reports went out Sept. 27 with report cards going out the week of Nov. 4-8. The Lottery Scratch Oct. 8 netted $179 for Prairie Elementary. A Taco Tuesday to honor retired teacher Cindy Schumacher was held Tuesday, Oct. 22. Parent-teacher conferences with be Nov. 5-6 from 3:30 to 7 p.m. In her superintendent’s report Forsmann report the state Superintendent of Public Instruction is asking for a 5% increase to the education budget. Information from the superintendents association is that the legislature probably won’t go for that much. They are still looking at whether to go with an enrollment based formula or stick with average daily attendance. She is continuing to talk with LCSC, IDLA and CTE on the continuation of the CNA program currently offered through the Professional Technical Academy. She said they are also looking into replacing the bell/intercom system. She and Jon Rehder had a presentation from the company that installed the current system. They presented an updated system that could use the current wiring and be controlled through phones or PCs. The current system is DOS based and parts to fix it are unavailable. Forsmann is working on pricing and using Erate to bring costs down. There was a spot bus inspection made with our buses receiving a very good score of 95.71%. Fosmann also noted they received a $5,000 grant for a new mixer at the Elementary. Rehder reported the teachers attended a dual credit forum at LCSC on Oct. 4. An LCSC representative visited with the seniors on Oct. 9. Mrs. Quintal is taking the juniors to the U of I for a college day on Oct. 25. She took the sophomore to LCSC for a campus tour on Sept. 25. The PSAT test was taken by sophomores and a couple of juniors on Oct. 16. FAFSA night was well attended on Oct. 9. The ACT will be held at Prairie on Oct. 26. Senior Night for volleyball was held Oct. 17 with 4 players recognized. Senior Night for football will be this Friday, Oct. 25 with 7 players recognized. Senior Night for Cross Country will be at halftime of the football game. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery was administered to all juniors Oct. 10. Prairie High School netted $501 in the Lottery Scratch. Rehder also mentioned they got a new speaker system for the football/track field. The meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m. The next regular meeting is Monday Nov. 18 at 5:30 p.m. |
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