to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Redneck Review!
No. 234 - 10/21/2019
The PIPING of the PIPER seems to have tailed off recently, much like
as happened in past years. Last week's Tribune featured a long article
brought to my attention, appearing on page 5C of the Oct.,14 edition. Titled:
"Weather, timing wreaked havoc on Spokane." The article ran three long
columns, and could be claimed support by either of the two competing sides
in the current CLIMATE CHANGE debate. A few quotations from
the article cited!
"Branchstorm 2019. The perfect storm. Ice storm '96 redux. Whatever
you call it, the storm that walloped the Spokane region early Wednesday
morning is one for the books - both history and science." Later,
it read: "It was the earliest big snowfall in Spokane, besting the previous
record of 5.9 inches that fell Oct. 22, 1957." So Climate Change
and Global Warming doubters can say, "I told you so!" claiming evidence
that the concern the PIPER has been PIPING is false!
But hold on just a minute! Still later in the article, Kelly Chadwick,
"a certified arborist and owner of Spirit Pruners... blames global climate
change." And Jon Fox, "meteorologist at the National Weather Office
in Spokane... said he didn't believe this storm was a sign of things to
come, either for this winter or in years to come." He continued:
"I've been here well over 20 years and have never seen anything like it,
but I wouldn't guarantee that just because we started out this way means
the winter will be any worse than normal." So I guess, something
else to be thought about by those who would like to know what the future
weather brings the next few decades!
So we leave for now the controversy, with just the following thoughts!
First, does anyone really know what is going to happen during the 2020's
and 2030's? It is my belief here that the dire predictions of the
Global Warmers that want us to GO GREEN entirely, and give up the carbon
based fuels; coal, oil, diesel, and gasoline, are not accurate!
For several reasons! First, the expert predictions in the mid-1900's
that we WOULD BE TOTALLY OUT OF FOSSIL FUELS by 2000 has been embarrassingly
proved wrong! And so falling flat on its face was their claim that
new births should be cut to around two per family to avoid a disaster!
Embarrassing, now that we now have more reserves in the United States than
in Arabia! Doomsdayers who made those predictions back then are hiding
out somewhere, refusing to show their faces! And so goes the un American
method of achieving this goal by limiting family children numbers!
And do not forget, evidence opposed to the Global Warmers is available,
though not easy to find. Computer searches using: petitionproject.org
can be located by the persistent, where is found a list of over 36,000
scientists who signed a petition, claiming fuel emissions ARE NOT THE CAUSE
OF GLOBAL WARMING! This petition reacted to the Kyoto Protocol meeting
in 1997, where most of the world's nation's agreed to somehow limit global
fuel emissions, the United States being one of the biggest non signers.
I say Hurray for the U.S., as eliminating the fuels that provide about
85% of our power needs, would require a massive increase in federal power
and a return to living conditions not seen in this country for centuries!
And let us not ignore earlier periods in history like the "Maunder
Minimum," and the "Dalton Minimum," nor the "Medieval Maximum" or the "Modern
Maximum" periods, when periods of very low temperatures and then
also very high temperatures have been researched and have been traced to
"solar hibernation" on the lows, and increased sun activity during the
highs. And should you want convincing evidence of a numbing cold
period coming during the next 30 years, read John Casey's book, DARK WINTER!
Easily available at book sources, the evidence cited and experts who agree,
make me rather hope for Global Warming!
Jake Wren |
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