chosen for all-star game
The District 2 Senior Showcase Volleyball match was played Tuesday, Nov. 5 at Booth Hall in Lewiston. Ashton Landers was Prairie’s representative for the match playing for the South team. PIRATES GIRLS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE FOR 2019-2020 *indicates league game 21-Orofino, there 25-Lewiston JV, there 26-Grangeville, there 4-JV vs. Grangeville, there, 6 p.m. 6-Grangeville, here, Idaho County Shootout, V only, 6:00 p.m. 9-C.V., there 12-Salmon River, there, V only, 6 pm MST 14-Troy Quad, here*, JV-1, V-2:30 19-Lapwai, here* 9-Kamiah, there* 10-Salmon River, here, 5 p.m. 11-Troy Quad, there*, JV-4, V-5:30 13-Genesee, there* 16-Lapwai, there* 17-Potlatch, there*, 1 p.m. 21-Orofino, here 30-C.V., there* Feb. 1-Potlatch, here*, 1 p.m. Feb. 4-12 -District at LCSC 13-State Play-In at Post Falls 15-State Play-In at Fruitland 20-22-State at Nampa (Columbia High School) |