events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth and Parents, “Prepare the way! The Christ child is coming!” As we enter this beautiful season of preparation and anticipation, we are called to embrace the invitation to “see”! See the joy in families gathered, the joy in buying that perfect gift for a loved one, the joy in decorating and eating those special Christmas treats and especially the joy in sharing our hearts with others in the community. It is in this invitation from the heart that we invite you to join us in this month’s youth activities. On Monday, Dec. 2nd, the Jr. High and High School youth will meet to fill out Christmas cards for the college students. We will meet at 6:30 for food and at 7:00 p.m. we will begin our elf duties. This is always such a fun activity. I encourage all High School youth to join us! On Dec. 4th the PFFP is hosting Advent night at St. Mary’s Church. At 6:00 p.m. This night is a great opportunity for families to come together to celebrate family. A special Advent activity will be part of the festivities, so tell your friends and gather your family for this holy night of fun. On Dec. 6th I encourage everyone to join Jaime Thietten for a Christmas concert at St. Mary’s Church. She will begin at 6:30 so mark your calendars for this special night of Christmas music. We also have First Friday Adoration for Youth and families on Dec. 6th at 10:00 p.m. This hour with the Lord is great way to draw closer during the Advent season. On Dec. 11th St. John Bosco is hosting their Nativity play at 7:00 p.m. I would love to take a group of youth with me to the play. If you are interested in going as a group, we will meet at St. Mary’s at 6:30 p.m. at the Church parking lot. Attending this play is a great way to honor the Lord as we draw near to Christmas. On Dec. 12th the poinsettia’s will be arriving and ready for pick up at St. Mary’s Church. I will be in the Sacred Heart room at St. Mary’s from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you have not paid you can pay when you pick up your poinsettia. Thank you so much for your support for our Jamaica team! On Dec. 15th the Confirmation youth, parents and mentors are invited to a Reconciliation Service at St. Mary’s at 7:00 p.m. We will have a dinner for you at 6:00 p.m. prior to the service. We are so excited to offer this beautiful Sacrament right before Christmas. Thank you Father Paul and Father Meinrad for your “yes” in hosting this special night of forgiveness and love! On Dec. 18th the High School youth/ Confirmation youth, mentors and adults will be caroling at St. Mary’s Hospital and condominiums We will meet at St. Mary’s Church at 5:00 for dinner. We will go to the hospital at 6:00 p.m. Our night will be filled with singing, food, visiting and sharing the Christmas spirit. Following the caroling for any youth interested, we will go to the OMG for a white elephant gift exchange. You will be asked to bring a wrapped gift to exchange. We will have cookies and hot chocolate to celebrate the season and beauty of friendship and community. On Dec. 22nd all youth and College age students will be placing an ornament on a Christmas tree before the 8:00 a.m. Mass. at St. Anthony’s Church. This action is a great way to remind our young people how precious they are to us and know that they are an important part of our parish community. We will not have any youth group event during the Christmas week. Please enjoy your time with family and loved ones. On Dec. 30th the High School youth will host the College students in a “night of friendship” at the Habit at 7:00 p.m. All college students’ home for Christmas are invited and receive a free coffee. We can’t wait to see you! As we prepare to rejoice on Christmas morning let us remember to “see” all that is before us daily, especially during this Advent season. It is here that we will truly embrace the joy given to us by the Savior of the World. Merry Christmas everyone and may your days be blessed! In the Spirit of the Season, Debbie |