Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
Thank you area residents and businesses who have over the years generously recycled packaging materials by bringing them to Dog Bark Park for re-use on our outbound shipments of wooden dog carvings. 
We no longer are able to accept any further donations of packing peanuts, bubble wrap, cardboard boxes, etc. Our storage is overflowing with enough to last for several years. We greatly appreciate your generosity and willingness to help reduce landfill waste in Idaho County. Thank you so much. 
If someone else out there can use such materials do be in touch so we can help spread the word. 
Frances Conklin & Dennis Sullivan
Dog Bark Park

Redneck Review!
No. 243 - 12/23/2019
(Reprint of Review 191)
Wow! How many times does one hear from older folks, "My, how time flies!" And it is admitted here this advice has come my way several times over the past decades! And now, it is emphatically declared here to be true! TIME DOES FLY BY, and goes faster the older a person becomes! My father used to tell me all the time that you had to get finished all you wanted to get done in life BEFORE 70, because after a person passes that nearly ripe old age, every task tackled gets harder or impossible! Another person who used to tell me the same thing, was my good friend, Dr. Dick Orr, who we used to visit quite a bit in the 1960's when we first moved to Cottonwood! 
It recently dawned on me that the same thing is true as each year flies by! Wow, again! This week is the end of that year great celebration that causes the entire country to go nearly berserk with decorations and presents and celebrations ... all to remember the greatest feast day of the year, and of time itself ... the birthday of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ! But we do note here sadly, that an increasing number of individuals in our country are trying to turn the event into a secular celebration only, hoping in the process the birth of the God Man Jesus is forgotten and thrown on the trash heap of history! Sorry! It is claimed here that it is not going to happen! 
In honor of this event and the heavenly babe whose birth triggered it all, we submit here a comment written by myself back in December, mid 1980's, also in the Chronicle under the title then LET FREEDOM RING! The lead in paragraphs and a poem follow below: 
"Its hard to believe that the Christmas rush is now over, and 'The Night Before Christmas' is with us again! So what better time to pause and consider the impact of HIS coming, in our own lives and in the world around us? 
"An intriguing historical individual was this 'man' Jesus Christ! For like no other before or since, His birth was foretold long before in that most famous of all books, the Bible! And who else in our recorded history not only had an entire book to record both the events leading up to HIS coming, but HIS life and teachings since?
"How many others, we ask, caused early time itself to stop, and modern calibrated time to begin?" .... "Yes, it is a historical fact that this Hebrew carpenter's son has made more impact on civilization than any other individual! 'Born of a virgin,' and 'Son of God' we have 
been to/d. 'Rose from the Dead' and 'Ascended into Heaven,' it need be added. 
"So what should all of this mean to you and me? .. Simply, that all who claim to be 'Christian' ... should one more time renew a pledge to follow in HIS footsteps!", let us determine to put God and neighbor first in our lives ... to bring peace on earth to men of good will ... " 
And as put in the poem years ago, let our prayer be:
"Oh lord, on your birthday, please open our eyes, Help us appreciate America's prize, The freedom, the peace, the family and things, All of us have learned that Christmas brings, Open our hearts so your love can come in, Please guard us, we beg you, keep us from sin, 
Help us resolve what we have we will share, For less fortunate folk, please teach us to care. Of you dear lord, we ask for help as we pray, That we do our part on this Christmas day, So that Christmas this year and forever will be, What it always has been for you and for me! 
A HAPPY and HOLY Christmas Season for one and all!" ... 
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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