Letters to Santa
Following are letters to Santa Claus composed by Ashle’ Sowa’s Kindergartners at Prairie Elementary School with their own original spelling and punctuation.
Dear Santa,
I want a truck and trailer with  a  xrvader , dump truck, toy bords, a toy blue dirt bike, drawing bord and a airplane.
Sinely, Logan Latimer

Dear Santa
I want a toy roder, dump truck, toy radoy , toy jeep, farm lego set,rescue bot , remote control bumblebee, batman toy, ball,dirt bike toy, toy car, remote control tractor, toy gun with toy bullets, toy Santa with reindeer, toy treasure chest, toy beetle, remote control rodof, ford with trailer and forwaler.
From Tyden Wemhoff

Dear Santa,
I want a robot, an actual airplane, a dump truck with a trailer, truck with a trailer, dirt bike, a tablet, and a bow and arrow.
Love, Shawn Robledo

Dear: Santa
Can you get me a toy elf, a toy santa, a toy human, and a toy easter egg and a toy phone.
From Owen VanHouten

Dear Santa
i won't a colorful pet and a hat and a frog and a chrome book
By Landon Jones

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a John Deer tractor, hatchimal, and lol supplice. I have a question how do reindeer  fly.
Love Briella Rivera

Dear, Santa       
I Want a Bardy helicopter with a rowmout that can control it.  I want the rest of my presents to be a surprise.
From, Claire Michels 

Dear Santa,
I have been good this year. I would like a remote control helicopter, remote control boat, rc truck, lego farm set, football set, cowboy boots and green and gray shoes.
Sincerely, Beau Brannan

dear santa,
I would like a ukulele, electric guitar,fake nails chrompet, quick dry nail polise, and play doue 
From, Lillia Kaschmitter

Dear Santa, 
For christmas I want a doll that laughs and cries  and a finger link. I have a question  how do you fly.
Love Lilyanna Lockett

Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. I want a target, a bow, a new lunchbox, and  an aep ball 
From Mckenna Slichter

Dear santa
I want a big easter egg and a monkey toy with candy on bottom and one more easter egg with toys and a dinosaur toy and a name tag holder and candy coins and a shark toy.
Love, Zaedyn Sprute

Dear Santa,
I want for Christmas 3 Christmas trains, a LEGO police set, one hot wheels track with a car, a monster truck, and an extra large teddy bear!
See you next year! 
Sincerely, Luke Uhlenkott

For Christmas I want nail plosh,makeup,markers,crayons,girl, and paper.
Love, Marleigh  Wall

Dear, Santa
This year i want a hatchimal and i want a chromebook please and i want my own christmas tree and can i have an electric car and a robot
Sincrearly, Ezekiel Henry

Dear Santa,
Can I please have a talking baby doll for christmas? And can I also have a  baby doll stroller so I can walk my baby? Can I please have a easy bake oven so I can cook with my mom?  And can I have a big stuffed unicorn? Can I please have new snow boots? Can I also have a baby doll crib.
Your friend  Charlee Key

Dear, Santa 
This year I want a toy watch also a huge candy cane .Also a octomite prime transformer thats remote control  and a remote control
Army men .A remote control hot wheels with a track and a toy bow and
Arrow that shoots .A remote control slay with Santa and his reindeer
.A toy gun with bullets . Also a remote control Roudoulf . And a remote control turtle . Also a remote control horse. A remote control penguin .
And  remote control car .
Love Darrel Holcomb

Dear Santa,
How are you?There were a few things I wanted. A wallet, tablet, paintball gun, $1000000, A dirt bike, A remote control dragon,my own office and my own office chair.Santa I really want  this stuff.  
Sincerely, Alex Duclos 

Dear Santa
I want for Christmas. Large large piglet that will smash my house, a pizza, The biggest piglet in the world that will crush the Earth and go to outer space and my mom has a baby.
Sincerely, Asher Graham-Allman

Dear Santa,
May I have a robot , abowandarrow , a Lakers basketball , a dirtbike , a par of football goves , and a red soccer ball , and a ax , a hover board , and and a water gun. Thank you.
Sincerely, Axel Forsmann 

Dear santa 
Give me a dirtbike,$108,000,108,000 pencils,
A bird,the bald eagle,tablet,my own house,
A cow to wright on,Rudolph,a horse to shoot,shotgun,paintball gun,
My own TV,a turkey target,a remote control dragon,
And an elf on the Shelf.
Sincerely Everett Schacher

Dear  Santa,
Can i please have cake mix ,sled ,legos and a teal wallet.
Harper Riener

Dear Santa,
I have a question how bright is Rudolph's nose What I want for Christmas is I would like LOL Surprise, Amenican Girl doll ,toy pony,toy cat, toy bunny. I do not need everything
Thank you! Amelia Rehder

Dear Santa
This is what I want for Christmas I want a purple stuffed horse with pink sparkly eyes and black hair, and a rainbow stuffed animal wolf. I hope you have a great Christmas.PS how are your reindeer doing. I hope they are doing great.
Love, Ashlyn Hasenoehrl

Dear Santa,
I want lol dolls, 154 dollars, 154 balloons, and 154 toy goats
Love, Sadie Mizer

Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer doing from all of that flying around?please can i have lol dolls,A baby dog,A new pair of shoes,new earrings,and last a kitty headband.
Love,  Jozie Behler

Dear Santa,
Pease Santa can I have a new Ipad.By the way how are you doing? By the way I wish for a toy santa.
Love , Brody Raymond

Dear Santa,
This year I want a wolf toy, and a million dollars. PS tell are elf on the shelf that she is a great elf.
Love Wyatt Polumsky

Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a Zombie Strike, a toy monster truck, a toy car, a toy sword, a new hat, a football, and a new Prairie Pirates football helmet.
Tillman Uhlenkott 

Dear Santa ,
Can i please have a toy babyDoll , Cake mitt ,  and Legos . 
Elizabeth Long

Dear Santa
I would like a dinosaur.How are your rain dear doing.
Love, Julia Schlader 

Dear Santa,
I would like a puppy, my friends to live with me, and a baby alive. Hi Santa how are you and your reindeer?
Love, Blakley Forsmann

Dear Santa,
How have you been are your reindeer ready than go! man go!
Can I please have some hatchimals, a stuffed donkey, and a stuffed unicorn.
Sincerely, Haley Frei

Dear Santa,
How are you doing? Please can i have a lol square ball,new lol pj’s,3 lol baby curlers,and last a zida nazboo.
Love, Brylie Forsmann

Dear santa
I want a wallet,a robot,hatchimal,unicorn,a puppy,a jewelry kit,a toy cat,a toy reindeer, an elf on the shelf,a baby doll and a toy computer.
Love Clareese Duclos 

Dear Santa, 
I want an electic scotter, dert bike, and a remote control car. 2 dirt bikes, remote control truck with a trailer, and a boat, xbox one and xbox 360 and I want minecraft. 
Good Bye, Zaydn Warden 

Dear Santa, 
I want a doll, some of the superkids dolls. I want some spirit book with some presents.  I was some R3 cards and some candy to pretend I’m playing school. 
Love,  Abigail Hinman 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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