Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 244 - 12/23/2019
Interesting it is how events seem to come together in an unexpected way, leading a person at times to new insights about life in general and events in particular!
Recent RNR's have claimed that life itself "IS A MIRACLE,"  and that there is a "MIRACLE A MINUTE" to be observed in the things around us that we tend to take so much for granted!  And the event that brought this into clear focus in our own case recently, was the month long battle that wife Marianne had with a serious blood disease, known medically as Sepsis.  The good news is that this infection which can cause death if not caught in time, is now on the decline in Marianne's case, and thus she is not only back in our town, but at home for the past couple of
weeks, concentrating on rehab to get strength and mobility back! And as been mentioned in past reviews, the event itself has triggered not only new awareness of the value of life itself, but also of the near miracle of modern medicine in combating what once was a fatal problem.
But more than the above has come sharply into focus as a consequence of the illness and the time and effort in combating it.  And our most recent celebration of Christmas in memory of the birthday of Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago brings a new perspective to the claim that life and everthing about it and around it makes true the claim that "A MIRACLE A MINUTE" is not an exaggerated claim, and can be clearly seen and brought into focus when time is spent really thinking about the claim!
It is the purpose of this RNR to substantiate this claim! 
First, life itself, from the simplest plant that grows, to the most talented and creative individuals that live out their lives, IS A MIRACLE!  And sad it is, really sad, that many in our world today have no qualms about interrupting that life in the womb, snuffing it out, sometimes in the  most brutal and callous ways, to the tune of still over 3000 a day in our own country!  TRAGIC!   How  can our so-called modern society not realize just how horrible that is?
A simple reading of an older book, The Greatest Miracle in the World,  by world famous author several decades ago, Og Mandino, proves the claim above in convincing fashion.  In that book, Mandino discusses with Simon Potter, who he calls "God's Finest Ragpicker," because he has devoted his life by helping the most unfortunate of all human beings rise from the "ragpile" of  life, by recognizing their potential and their worth.  This he does by noting facts in a book that Potter had written, called by him, The God Memorandum,  that  "You are the Greatest Miracle in the World."  To those who lose their sense of worth because of failures, or their feelings of  mediocrity, Potter says "You are wrong!  Take inventory!"
"Are you blind?"  "No, you can see...because of the hundred million receptors...placed in your eyes... enabling you to enjoy....a snowflake, an eagle...a cloud...Count one blessing!"  "Are you mute?... No, you can speak...as can no other of God's creatures...calm the angry...cheer the unhappy...teach the ignorant...say  'I love you.'  Count a second blessing."     "Are you feeble of mind?...In your three pound brain, "are thirteen million nerve cells...in which are implanted one thousand billion billion protein molecules...four million pain-sensitive structures...two hundred
thousand temperature structures..."  God has said..."You are my finest creation!...Therefore, I say to you...Remember the four laws of happiness and success: 1)Count your blessings, 2)Proclaim your rarity, 3)Use wisely your power of choice, and 4)Do all things with love."  And what better time to think of this, than after Christmas, the birth of the God Man Jesus, the source of all love?  And remember: Simon Potter says "You are the Greatest Miracle in the World!"
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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