Whatsoever Things Are True
by Dan Coburn
Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
The last time we got together, we explored the single most popular problem for most American Adults which is, purposelessness. This can manifest itself anywhere from mild discontentment to full blown depression. It favors  no demographic, and was born out last time as we examined the life of Solomon. He is called in the Bible, the wisest man who ever lived. He was blessed; no- bathing in every pleasure available. Drugs-alcohol, sex, possessions, accomplishments via work and achievement, He withheld nothing from his eye or touch.  He ultimately determined it was all (all in the Greek means - all) vanity; of no benefit or profit.   
Question:   If the wisest man in history couldn't endure the byproducts of living a lascivious life, why do we think we can?  And what is the application for me today?   How do I diagnose "purposelessness", and what do I do?
For the answers to these questions, Let's turn the Spiritual Switch. 
Nugget: #1   God doesn't want to give you joy, He wants to be your joy. See the difference?   
Nugget: #2   Absent a saving relationship with God via faith in Jesus Christ (Gods' prescribed remedy for our depravity), one cannot know the joy of which we speak. This is after all, the peace that passes all understanding.  
     That said, the balance of this is directed to Christians who feel purposelessness  (we are not immune), specifically those who are waiting for a sign from on high w/regard to Gods' plan for their life.    It is summed up in the  following Scripture. "If you are faithful in little, I will give you much".   Yes this can pertain to your finances, but it is much bigger than that. I've had people (men and women) tell me: "I know God has a plan for my life, but He won't seem to share it with me".  They are sincerely frustrated.  What to do?  Fasten your pewbelts.  In 1st Thes. chapter 5, we see a short list of daily activities. "Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you"  vs 14-18.    There are  more, but this is more than enough.  After sharing these, I will ask this question of them;  and now I ask you --- Are you doing these things day in and day out?  I know I'm not, and if these are "the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you", and you aren't doing them, Why in the world would God give you a grand task?  If I'm not faithful in little, He won't give me much.  What might we (Christians) look like to a lost and dying world should we purpose to meet the minimum in our daily walk?  How might our testimony be enhanced?   This is the formula, and it's up to us.  Know that it is His will, and He has empowered us (Eph. 1:3), so if there's a disconnect, It isn't with Him.  Pray for enabling grace that we might walk worthy of the calling to which He has called us (Eph. 4).   Next week, we answer part two. Is success in and of itself evil?  Is money or having stuff intrinsically bad?  I'll give you a hint; "If you're faithful in little..................."  oh snap .  See you next week. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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