March events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth in Christ,
We are in the season of invitation.  The Season that gives us the opportunity to stop and reflect on our lives in connection with God’s call upon us.  I love this time because it gives me permission to stop and focus on what is important.  Our youth ministry month will intentionally do this as we celebrate our faith through prayer, adoration, retreat, learning, gathering, and participating.  
The Confirmation class was invited to St. Mary’s Church at 7:00 p.m. on March 3rd to practice the Shadow stations.  They began right after the healing Mass.  This is a holy time because we get to enter into the walk of Jesus as he prepares for his death on the Cross. 
As a part of the Lenten journey I am inviting all of High School youth to participate in the Lenten series on the Mass that will take place each Wednesday at the CEC at 6:30.  We will have our own discussion table during the session.  I am hoping to fill the table with youth every Wednesday during the Lenten season.  Come and grow in the Lord as he enters deeper into your life!   
On March 5th all Confirmation adult leaders are invited to the Habit at 6:30 p.m.  to begin planning our Confirmation Retreat.
On Friday, March 6th the Confirmation youth will be hosting the Stations of the Cross.  I am asking all youth to please be present at 4:30 to prepare for the 6:00 p.m. service.  We also have Adoration at 10:00 p.m.  Yes, a night of absolute invitation to walk the steps of Jesus in the stations and then time to enter into the silence and reflect on those steps in prayer and praise.  
On March 8th the Confirmation class will meet at the CEC at 9:30 a.m.  for class.  Please bring your Saint Reports.  Our Confirmation date has been set for April 22nd at St. Anthony’s at 7:00 p.m.  
The Jamaica team will meet on March 8th at 6:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church for a presentation on Jamaica by Bill and Sharon Snow.  We will also be planning our taco dinner fundraiser.  All Jamaica team members are invited as well as parents to this meeting.  
On March 11th all ICYC youth and adults are asked to attend an informational meeting at the CEC at 7:00 p.m.  We will go over any questions and plans for the upcoming weekend.  ICYC goes from March 13th through 15th at the Ford Center in Boise.  We will begin our journey on March 13th at 8:45 at St. Mary’s parking lot.  All youth need to be ready to go by this time.  You will hear more information at our meeting on March 11th about time and schedules. 
We will have a Jr. High Social night at the OMG on March 17th.  It is St. Patrick’s Day so our night will revolve around St. Patrick.  We will have pizza at 6:30 and our social at 7:00 p.m.  All 7th and 8th grade youth are invited.  
On March 18th the Jamaica team is hosting a taco feed at the KC hall from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  All proceeds go toward our trip to Jamaica in August!  Thank you in advance for your support.  
On March 20th the Jr. High youth will be hosing the living stations of the cross at St. Mary’s at 6:00 p.m.  The youth are asked to be present right after school to prepare for the evening.  This is a very holy night as the youth walk with Jesus to Calvary.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.  
   The Cottonwood penance service is on March 23rd beginning at 7:00 p.m.  This is a beautiful opportunity to bring your heart to God’s mercy and forgiveness as you prepare for Easter.  
Spring break begins on Friday, March 27th and continues until April 6th.  We will not have any youth group during this time, but the Mass series will still be going on April 1st so please if you are in town, I encourage you to attend this Wednesday session.  
Also, Confirmation youth we will be having a one day retreat on April 4th, so please mark your calendars and I will have more information for you later! 
May the beauty of your sacrifice, prayer and giving bring you closer to the pulse of God during this holy season!
With an Open heart,

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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