Celebrate Ag Day March 24
On March 24th, from 11:30 to 1:00, Idaho County Farm Service Agency will join in recognizing farmers and ranchers for their contributions to the nation’s outstanding quality of life by working with the Grangeville Lion’s Club to provide Lion’s Burgers, potato salad, chips and soft drinks to farmers and ranchers in Idaho County. 
“FOOD Brings Everyone to the Table” is the theme for this year’s Ag Day – March 24th. Our country’s farmers and ranchers work hard to provide food and clothing for our country and the world. The Idaho County Farm Service Agency is proud to celebrate Ag Day by bringing our local farmers and ranchers to the table and recognizing their sacrifice and hard work with a meal.
Their dedication is an inspiration to us and to the next generation of farmers and ranchers.  Without them, we would not have the abundant food supply, the fiber, and the fuel we depend on daily. Frankly, it's easy to take agriculture for granted in America. Our food is readily accessible and very safe. For this, we're unbelievably fortunate . . . but that doesn't mean we don't have an obligation to recognize who makes it possible. 
Agriculture involves sacrifice. As a youngster on the farm, the most immediate sacrifice noticed is sleep. Getting up early and working hard until sundown is not something that always comes easy…it usually has to be learned…from your parents or your grandparents.
That sacrifice continues as you grow. Or if you start to farm later in life, you encounter it immediately when you take charge of your operation… long, hard hours, dripping sweat in the soil and taking a risk when needed to doctor an animal, weld an implement or finance next year’s planting. 
Generation after generation of agricultural producers in Idaho are getting up early every day to keep this sector of the economy healthy, providing jobs and income for both rural and urban families and communities.
In 1960 each U.S. farmer provided food for about 25 people. Today, each U.S. farmer feeds more than 165 people, an increase of over 500%.  Research and new technologies have boosted production, but someone still has to go outdoors and make things grow. Without regard for the wind, rain, snow, freeze, fire and drought…the farmer and the ranchers can be found tending the crops, flock or herd, and doing it well.  Even with last season’s severe weather and natural disasters, American farmers and ranchers have still prevailed to get the food and fuel to market.
Let’s thank these men and women for a job well done.  Agriculture is America’s number one export, and critical to sustaining a healthy economy. Our office would like to say thank you to the men and women in agriculture and to thank the residents of our county who help support the industry.  
Save the date and please come and join us!
Julie Fowler 
County Executive Director
Idaho County Farm Service Agency

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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