City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their March meeting Monday, March 16. It had been postponed from the usual meeting date of March 9. Jordan Zwygart presented the audit report saying they found no issues. Greg Danly was approved as Fire Chief pending appointment by mayor Pepper Harman who wasn’t able to attend the meeting. A memorandum of understanding regarding an officer involved in critical incidents was approved. There was no action on a catering permit request for St. Mary’s Hospital’s Mardi Gras as that event has been postponed. Bids for surplus items were opened. Only two bids were received. Joseph Broemeling of Clarkston was high bidder on all but one item. All were accepted except for two of those items, a SOLO Back Pack and a Kindle Fire. The council rejected those bids. Rod Behler was high bidder for a Schumacher 200 Amp Battery Charger but that bid was rejected. The rejected bids were deemed too low and in the best interest of the city to make use of those items themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hemerick were in attendance regarding a neighbor with trailers on their property and alleyway access. Council president Pat Holthaus asked if they could come up with a written list of the issues they would like addressed and present it to the city. Flood Control Code 15.04 compliance was discussed then tabled. The next regular meeting of the council is set for Monday, April 13 at 7 p.m. |