to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Dear Editor
This is a big thanks to St. Mary's/Clearwater Valley Hospitals for
their "Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19" info ad. I saw it in
the March 19 Clearwater Progress and it was probably in other local papers
I had listened much on TV and read many articles in the paper
about the virus and still had questions. In a few short, easy to understand
sentences they clearly spelled out everything I wanted to know. Good job!
Lucky Brandt
To the Editor,
When I read Jake Wren's incorrect version of Bernie Sanders style of
Socialism, I had to respond. Jake is saying Bernie is a Socialist,
which is untrue. He has never said that, he has said hundreds of
times that he is a Democratic Socialist, which is a different philosophy
altogether. There are many Democratic Socialist countries around
the world and they are among the most successful countries in the history
of the planet. These include Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Iceland,
France, Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand and more.
Democratic Socialism is simply defined as a community that decides
to put their resources together (both monetary and labor) for a common
goal, without government ownership. Examples are fire departments, police
departments, libraries, road building, or things like your Medicare and
Social Security benefits. The government does not own any of those
organizations, Americans do. Do you get a check from Social Security?
Wow, you are a Democratic Socialist. You paid into a money collection
and saving system and at a certain age, you get paid back. It's that simple.
When people come together and agree to spend their money, give their time
and labor, without the government owning their money or labor, that is
Democratic Socialism. When you get a paycheck and your boss takes money
out for Social Security, it is something that Americans agreed to do decades
ago under the leadership of FDR. He was a Democratic Socialist.
That is what Bernie Sanders is too. Regular Socialism is different.
Get it straight Jake. I suggest you take a course in Political Science
since you clearly don't know what socialism actually is, or at least Google
it before giving your opinion in public. Google is amazing, you can
find out what the facts are before stating your opinion. Or just
keep opining as you will, as you say we all get to have our own opinion,
even if it is blatently wrong.
Allan Kearney
To the Editor
Dear Sir:
In 1944, during the Second World War, F.A.Hayek wrote the book The
Road To Serfdom. In the book is the following statement: “No matter
what rhetoric they employ, politicians and bureaucracies over which they
preside love power, and power is never easily surrendered once the danger,
if there ever was one, has passed.”
The advent of the corona virus has placed us all, for all intents and
purposes, under martial law. We are quick to do what is asked even
though we may heartily disagree.
But, there is a great danger, once this virus has passed, to keep the
government we have, with the end result being a larger government.
Do we want more socialism? We shall have it.
We must be vigilant to insure that we reclaim our government once the
danger has passed.
Plus, our government has agreed to support the workers with vast payments
that have the real danger of leading to more inflation.
Who knows how this will end, but just the same we need to be sure it
does not lead to more socialism.
Thanks so much.
Jim Hollingsworth
Hayden, ID
Redneck Review!
No. 256 - 3/23/2020
Enough! Definitely time to move on! The last three RNR's
have concentrated on a small example forcing anyone to agree that the individual
who makes an extra effort to come up with a time and labor saving device
that others are happy to trade for will only get ahead and improve his
standard of living if, and this is a big IF, the others who freely negotiate
with him agree that their standard of living is improved also! SO
is present, will only be made IF both parties profit! Thus the example
given illustrates that Household A cannot ask for 5 or more hours a day
from each of the others in order to get free use of his water nor would
he be willing to give it away free, or even take just 1 hour from each
of the others! This example should put to rest the ridiculous charge
you hear all the time from socialist/Marxists, that the rich gouge
poor all the time! If the society honors free trade, it is impossible
or highly improbable that any person is going to freely enter an agreement
when that person is clearly worse off! So what would you think of the mentality
of the other three households in this example if they agree to work 7 or
8 hours a day for A just to rid themselves of 6 hours a day hauling necessary
Recall that B, C, and D refused to help A in digging the water ditch
from the spring on the mountain, temporarily forcing A to INVEST an extra
2 hrs/day in getting the job done! So the magic word here is still INVESTMENT!
In the Free Enterprise system that has made America the wealthiest country
not only on earth today, but in history. Those who have come up with a
time or labor saving device, have not only accumulated wealth for themselves,
but ONLY if the others see themselves better off when they agree to buy
or use the product! Witness the many wealthy millionaires today from whom
the average citizen hastens to do business with and buy their product!
Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon, are just a few of many
So, let us all recognize the value of the INVESTMENT some in our country
make to provide a solution to any problem facing us, And for all
who are up to date on the rapidly changing conditions of life in America,
and in fact in the entire world, can it not be safely said that the word
CORONAVIRUS is more on our minds than any thing else at this particular
time? Just this morning having a cup of coffee in our local town,
I was told that one local grocery store that just last week was short only
toilet paper, now all of a sudden was low or out of milk, eggs, bread,
and other items, and that customers were told they could purchase only
one of any item! So what has happened, and could it have been prevented?
Well, declared here is a possible better INVESTMENT that could have been
made in the past by all of us to prevent what is now threatening all of
us! Following please find direct quotes from RNR 205, dated 4/1/19!
"Well, the clock is still ticking! Whatever is going to happen...in
the future is one week closer! ...Whether those ticks will result in a
happy ending, or a sudden new tragic event, leaving us shocked and stunned,
only more time will tell!... Look not here for the answer! The next
event could happen next week, or maybe 50... or more years from today!
"But make no mistake! Conditions today (4/1/19) like discussed last
week... do send a clear message that a day of reckoning could be on the
horizon! The big question is... can a single individual do anything to
impact the future? Well, the answer is a resounding YES! Prayer
for starters! It can be found (in the Bible) that prayer 'with sufficient
faith' can 'move mountains!' So why not each of us resolve to increase
our prayer life...during the rest of the days of Lent?"
Now it might be asked, could have a better response to that suggestion
a year ago prevented what is happening today? Or could increased
prayer effort now bring a quicker solution today?
Jake Wren |
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