Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor,
In response to Raymond Bowers’ letter last week, it is really interesting how someone who moved here recently from Georgia/Delaware, wants to give advice to Idaho County citizens on how to vote. Mr. Bowers goes even further by questioning the character and experience of two candidates who were born and raised in Idaho County--two individuals whose families have made Idaho County what it is today. The current Sheriff’s character and concern for people’s rights is questionable, when in the last two elections he has demoted both of his deputies whom had/have chosen to oppose him in the past two elections. 
Thank you though for bringing attention to Doug Ulmer’s 30 plus years of law enforcement experience.  I would also like to acknowledge Doug Ulmer’s 20 years of experience as Supervisor of Patrol Deputies and being awarded the Idaho Medal of Honor. The beneficiaries of your questioned “advantage” will be all of the citizens of Idaho County “when” Doug Ulmer is elected Sheriff.  
From someone who was born and raised here, and also from a family who is/has invested in making Idaho County what it is, please vote for Doug Ulmer for Sheriff and Skip Brandt for Commissioner.  Let’s keep the motto “Idaho County Is What America Was”.  
Please obtain your ballots to vote by mail as is required for the upcoming primary.
Debby Arnzen-O’Neill

To the Editor
John Quincy Adams once wrote, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” In a world with so much uncertainty, we need a strong presence in our Sheriff position that will be positive, forward thinking, and have solid communication skills. A Sheriff, and  a leader, must be willing to work with other local entities, be strong yet not vindictive, and always looking to better their county. There are two candidates in the Idaho County Sheriff race, and I have chosen my candidate.
 Doug Ulmer has worked to make his state, his county, and his town a better place. He and his wife have been active members of the community, he has been a law enforcement officer for 33 years, being promoted to Patrol Lieutenant.  He began the ICSO cadet program in 2012, which helps young people learn more about law enforcement. In an article from February 21, 2018, he stated that “It is such a pleasure to work with these teenagers and help them understand that law enforcement is more than just arresting people, it is also about helping people.” Doug and Tina also began the Upriver Rampage and Prairie Shootout, the annual event  that helps Idaho County communities and schools come together. These two events donate thousands of pounds in canned food to the local Food Banks. 
Doug also puts his whole heart into his job and in bettering his community. I have witnessed it, but the Idaho County Free Press also has had numerous articles in the paper. These articles range from animal cruelty investigations to police officers stopping, apprehending, and confiscating drugs in the Kooskia area where Doug Ulmer presides. As a local Idaho County resident, I know drugs are everywhere, but I am thankful he and his deputies are working on keeping drugs out of our communities. One program while Patrol Lieutenant was beginning the Plain Clothes Drug Interdiction team, which results in multiple arrests and drug seizures as well. 
I have become a friend of Doug and Tinas, and feel blessed to call them that. He is a good, loyal, Christian man, and the right leader for the job for Idaho County Sheriff. #voteulmerforsheriff 
Jenna Boggan

Letter to Editor
“Just OK isn’t good enough!!”
Given the Covid-19 impacts limiting public forum reviews (the kind of job interview required to hire the best “employee” for a critical management position) of Idaho County sheriff candidates, at least one candidate has some hard fact data/intel on which to make a reasoned choice; the other, not so much.
Candidate “A” is the current sheriff, Doug Giddings. Just a few of his actions in office includes:
1) Ending the practice of previous sheriffs to cross-deputize federal LEOs. 
2) Authorizing deputies to hunt/trap wolves that were literally over-running Elk City in spring 2011 because of direct threat to human life and property in our township.
3) Insured/protected our right to travel during the 2016 landslide.     
4) Protected suction dredgers/miners rights from over-zealous EPA officials.
5) Insured/protected residents rights to stay and defend their property during wildland fire threats/evacuations.
6) Actively opposed legislative efforts to extend native-American (tribal) law enforcement authority over non-tribal county residents. 
7) Publicly outlined his department’s policy related to the recent Covid-19 governor’s emergency declaration/restrictions.
8) Overwhelming support of citizen’s constitutional rights to own and bear arms.    
Candidate “B”, Doug Ulmer, appears to be a nice guy who has a historical family name/presence in the county that is leveraged/asserted as a qualification. His campaign started last year, evidenced by numerous “illegally” placed signs in highway right-of-ways, etc. (Id. Stat. 18-7029). 30 plus years of deputy experience speaks of contentment in the job or lacking skills or aspiration to move beyond it.   Kind of reminds one of a recent television commercial of a hospital patient querying the nurse about the doctor performing his impending surgery; Her answer, “he’s OK”, doesn’t instill the confidence I need to have of a sheriff that will stand for me, my family and our constitutional rights.     
Doug Giddings has proven by deed that he has the courage and mettle to be an effective, constitutional sheriff. Doug has not backed down when others would have rolled over. He is not or ever will be a “yes man” to some other suspect authority or agenda. 
Mike Edmondson
Elk City  

To the Editor
Sheriff Gidding’s letter to the local newspapers is a thinly veiled threat aimed at the insufficiently cowed citizens of Idaho County. Giddings wants us to know how generous he has been, having “not felt any necessity to take severely restrictive measures to enforce the Governor’s directive.” That is to say – “Not yet!”  Indeed, Giddings says, at “this time” (but maybe later) he sees “no need to enforce the Governor’s required restrictions with “criminal penalties.” The good Sheriff also commends us for our sheep-like behavior. After all, it is a complacent, timid populace that is spared “the power of the government to intervene.” 
Like many civil officials, Sheriff Giddings can’t help but think of himself as superior to the common man. After all he believes he is in a position to determine the “necessary business” of each and every person in Idaho County. And, should he or his deputies decide you or I are not engaged in “necessary business” he believes he has the power and the right to “issue citations” to people who go about their necessary or unnecessary business in a way that is unsafe or lacking common sense. Perhaps Giddings should use this as a campaign slogan. “Giddings: The One with the power to decide what is necessary, safe and commonsensical – For Every Citizen!”. 
Giddings claims his attitude is justified by “situational facts.” Really? What “facts” is he looking at that justify the suspension of our God given right to personal responsibility? The truth is, it seems Giddings is ignorant of the facts. 
The fact is, the “expert models” have been wildly wrong. 
The fact is, many epidemiologists who have studied the situation (sans Leftist bias) report that “social distancing” is the worst thing we could do; the lock-down won’t save lives but is likely to cause more deaths in the long run as we delay “herd immunity.” 
The fact is, there is a proven effective treatment for COVID-19, used by thousands of doctors in the USA and worldwide with great success. I refer, of course, to the hydroxychloroquine and zinc protocol – or the hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin cocktail. This effective treatment renders null any lock-down order – here or anywhere. 
The fact is, the lock-down has caused massive unemployment, cost millions of dollars and generated general anxiety – all without any proof whatsoever it is an effective strategy in combating the COVID-19.
Thus, in Idaho County, we have a Sheriff waiting with baited breath, ready to use “severely restrictive measures” and slap “criminal penalties” on any citizen he deems engaged in behavior that is unnecessary or unsafe or lacking in common sense. All this without any real facts – or legal precedent – to back him up.
Finally, I would like to commend the example of Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota. It is ironic a woman Governor has the courage to buck the politically correct (but factually wrong) trend. If the Governor of Idaho is too timid to do likewise, we could hope that local civil officials would man up and stand in the gap on behalf of the taxpayers and citizens of this county.
D. Eric Williams
Cottonwood ID.

Dear Editor:
I believe that all Idaho County voters who value natural-born rights and freedoms would be wise to retain, for as long as we still can, the same chief law enforcement officer of our county who has helped guard our freedoms so well, over these past many years.
If you like the saying, "He who governs least governs best," then join me in helping secure yet another term for our Sheriff Doug Giddings.
Sheriff Giddings' past record proves he has remained true to the solemn oath he's sworn, repeatedly throughout his career, to protect and serve the people.  Given the chance, I know he'll add to his good record.  I felt personally reassured of this as recently as last week when reading the Sheriff's fine guest editorial entitled, "Idaho County Pulls Together." 
So, let's US pull together again now, to re-elect Doug Giddings, Idaho County (peace officer!) Sheriff.....continuing!
Carol Asher

Redneck Review!
No. 259 - 4/13/2020
Time flies, and once again, one of the greatest of feasts for the world-wide Christian family has come and gone, reminding us again of one of the most unusual occurrences in history. That is simply the celebration of Easter, recalling the only verified return to life of a person who died on a cross witnessed by dozens of onlookers, then three days later rose back to life,  again witnessed we are told, not only by His close associates, but by as many as 500 at one time.  The primary source of this event of course, is the Bible, the most read book of all time!  But not only there, but in many other accounts coming from casual visitors passing by the area in the following days, can be found with references to the strange events that had all of Jerusalem buzzing for days, weeks, and months after the said happening!
So today, what is the reaction to this claimed event?  Many disclaim the entire event.  Others stubbornly mock the accounts, claiming they are figments of imagination, both of those who were there, and those who claim to believe in the event to this day.
But it is difficult to discount!  We still use a calendar noted  B.C. and A.D. designating the time "Before Christ," and  "Addo Domini," meaning "In the year of the Lord!" which is defined to mean according to Google  "specifically to the birth of Jesus Christ."
Intriguing is that some doubters have tried to substitute  B.C.E and  C.E. for the notation above, defined "Before the Common Era,"  and "Common Era" but still use the person of Christ's life to link the two!  Crazy it is in my opinion that some would so try to change the record of history!
But the real significance of the feast and the meaning of  true love is discussed in an article of mine which appeared at Easter time, 1983,  in  LET FREEDOM RING!  A summary follows:
"First came Ash Wednesday, 40 days of Lent, then Good Friday and Easter,  recording the greatest act of love of all kind. The crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.... So what is this 'love' one hears about all  the time?  Is it that warm feeling that comes to all now and then?  Is it that driving force heroes have which spurs them on to unusual deeds? Or does one look to 'soap operas' where love is said to make 'the world go round?'
"In a flash, its clear that much of 'love' today must be recognized as self love or selfishness. Examples are everywhere, the characteristics are easy to see.  This love measures everything in terms of what is good for me.  One 'falls in love' with people, so long as they are pleasing to me.  Such love shrinks and dies when the going gets tough, and demands are made on me. This is the 'love me' kind of love.  All goes well and I love you as long as you love me. Be nice to me...Be good to me... Take care of me...Do all of this, and I will love thee.
"But there is another kind of love.  The 'love you' kind of love.  The Ash Wednesday and Good Friday kind of love.  This puts others first, puts country first, puts God first, puts all ahead of me. The givers kind of love... holding families together when times are tough and chips are down. Such love is the only real kind of love. We maybe l need to face the facts that the 'love me' kind of love in all us leads to many of our problems."  
And is it not that the "love you" kind of love which our recent Easter season makes vivid to us, be the way to solve many of the problems that plague us and our world today?  Could it not be that practicing the "love you" kind of love by more of us could actually change the world?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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