City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their regular April meeting Monday, April 13. The Council voted to set August 3 as their budget hearing date. The Council also approved the annual city-wide cleanup would go from April 20 through June 15. Walco will have a roll-off like usual at the city shop for yard waste and inert matter. No trash please. Quotes for the airport runway resurfacing were opened. There were two projects bid. One was to asphalt the runup areas on each end of the runway and there was a discrepancy in the square footage bid by the two bidders. Both bidders measured it off and came up with different numbers. Both bids were rejected and it will be re-bid with the addition of a per sq. ft. amount. The slurry seal and striping bid for the entire runway went to low bidder Stripesalot LLC at $27,500. The other bids were $29,363 and $53,333. Airport manager Clint Riener said he thinks Stripesalot did it the last time and did a good job. Mayor Pepper Harman made the official appointment of Greg Danly as Fire Chief, confirming the vote made at the March meeting which he was unable to attend. The Council discussed sending a letter to Mike Williams, owner of the railroad line, about the trestle across Front Street. They are concerned it is falling into disrepair and may become unsafe. After discussion it was decided to contact the state inspector to come check it out and then decide how to proceed. The Council would also like to hear public input as to whether they think the trestle should stay or go. In the reports Pat Holthaus reported they pumped 2 million gallons and sold just 1.5 million for a 25% loss. Numbers may be skewed though as this is the first time in several months that they were able to read all the meters due to snow cover. In the sewer report Don Munkers said they received the Division of Environmental Quality planning grant of over $50,000. Cottonwood was the third ranked submission. Ben Schumacher reported the School Street project is underway. The old surface has been peeled up on school street plus several side streets between School Street and Lewiston Street. New gravel has been laid down. In land and buildings Linda Nida said they are still waiting on the new doors at the hall. In the airport report Schumacher said they have been doing some crack sealing in preparation for the upcoming resurfacing project. Nida reported the Fire Department had 1 fire call on a chimney fire that turned out to be a false alarm. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, May 11 at 7 p.m. |