Things Are True
by Dan Coburn Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church pastordan@mtida.net Saw an article in the paper this week which cut me to the core, in two diametrically opposed ways. I'll confess that at first, I self-righteously mocked the words. I picked it apart grammatically, morally and intellectually. (You see, after spending 28 years in Elk City, I have a leg up on these things - eye roll emoji ) But after reflecting on it for a while, it broke my heart. It is headlined - "Give non-religious a voice", and continued: "Where are the nonChristian and non-religious writers for communities of faith in the Lewiston Tribune's readership?" What? "Where are the writings of support and community for those who need it but without the messages from the Bible?" This is not an uncommon mindset, and we would do well to show respect rather than condescension. Let's turn the Spiritual Switch: I require two, one hour sessions of counseling before I will be involved in someone's marriage. I don't try to get people swayed to my mindset, get them to make some coerced profession or jump through any hoops. But, I will give an account to my God for everything I do, especially w/regard to representing Him. Sooo, before I will marry someone, they will know from God's perspective what marriage is. They will know the difference between a contract and a covenant. I was counseling this couple a few years back when the man says to me: "Preacher I just don't believe it". "What?" says I. "Any of it" he says. I was struck by his honesty, and we are friends to this day. He wasn't mad, rude or resentful, just blatantly honest. There are many people who long for peace. They yearn for a hope they have long since lost. They struggle to find someone who will love them to the degree they think themselves capable of giving. There is however a disconnect, and although conscious of the chasm, they desire any alternative to Christ (God's prescribed remedy) to fill the gap. We know that the first three fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) are love, joy and peace. We know that Jesus doesn't want to give you peace, He wants to Be your peace. We know that He is the author and dispenser; the source of Hope. Folks (Biblically) who refuse Christ are described as having no hope. This conscious, willful rebellion is described in 2nd Thes. 2:10 = "...... because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved". I would ask the same questions as our hero did in his article. Where is hope absent Christ? Where is encouragement? The answer is, nowhere. Note: I will fight for your right to believe or not what you will as an American. But as a Christian who spent the first 29 years of life mocking all things Godly, I can tell you the Joy of the Lord is my strength. I am forgiven. My citizenship is in Heaven. I know where I came from, where I am going and that all things have been given to me - Eph. 1:3. Remember when Saul (Paul) was converted dramatically on the road to Damascus, when Jesus drove him to his knees, he asked Saul who had been ignoring the prodding of Jesus for a long time, "It must be hard to kick against the goads". I kicked for a long time, but have recognized Jesus for who/what He is; and it is liberating. Have you been kicking against the gentile nudgings of Him who died in your stead? "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths" Prov. 3:5-6. If you don't, He won't and you are on your own. (sad emoji). |