to the editor from this week's Chronicle
Letter to The Editor Interesting information coming out of Central Idaho that most people are following Trump’s lead in not wearing a mask and that his instance that “99 % of the confirmed cases are harmless!” This week’s pictures in the Chronicle of Greencreek’s celebration confirms the information. I guess the good folks of Camas Prairie feel that it’s ok to spread the virus - most everyone miraculously will get over it, and things will get back to normal soon. Here’s an interesting discussion from the Republican Governor of Mississippi via his 7 Text messages. It’s about doing some simple math - so any red neck reviewer worth his salt should understand it. 1) "Let's talk about herd immunity. I've listened to some people argue that the rapid spread of cases is a good thing, and we need to reach herd immunity in Mississippi and elsewhere to survive. I'm not a health care expert by any means, but I am a math guy. And I have thoughts:" 2) "The experts say we need 70-80% of the population to get COVID-19 to achieve herd immunity. Let's assume they're wrong (it's certainly possible, they have been before.) Let's assume they're being way overly cautious and we actually only need 40% infection for herd immunity." 3) "In Mississippi, our population is 3 million. We've had 36,680 cases so far. We'd need 1.2 MILLION infections to achieve that hypothetical 40% threshold. (Remember, experts say it's double that.)" 4) "Over the last two weeks, our hospital system has started to become stressed to the point of pain. We are seeing the early signs and effects of it becoming overwhelmed. We had to suspend elective surgeries again." 5) "On our worst day of new cases, we had just over 1,000. It has typically been between 700-900 during this most aggressive time. To get to 40% infections, we'd need 3,187 new cases every day for a full year from today. We would need to TRIPLE our worst day -- every day -- for a year." 6) "I'm not one of these guys that immediately dismisses any idea that challenges the expert status quo talking points. I'm pretty skeptical by nature. That's healthy. But herd immunity is not anything like a realistic solution in the short or mid-term. I wish it was." 7) "Unless you're willing to go without hospitals after a car wreck or heart attack, we need a different approach. Right now, despite mixed messages at the beginning, it seems like masks are the best bet. They're a hell of a lot better than widespread shut downs. Please wear one!” Republican Governor Of Mississippi Submitted by Jim Reed Hood River, Or Redneck Review! No. 273 - 7/20/20 Another week! More headlines! Corona spikes everywhere! Well, do tell! Was it not totally predictable! After all, large "BLM" and Antifa gatherings, along with traditional Fourth of July celebrations, and relaxed rules here and there because of the flattening rate of cases previously, meant that more people would be gathering in crowds and maybe were even a bit more relaxed about the virus! But would someone please explain how we are ever going to get back to normal if every time we get a new spike, some people and even some entire states over react, and I say very deliberately, OVER REACT, and return back to more regulations and more restrictions? Consider the question of re opening the school year! We either have to make that decision and stick with it, or forget school as it has traditionally been with us in the past. What about the sport seasons? High school, college, and professional? We either bluntly decide to go with it as we have done in the past, or give it up forever! Why? Because we should know that all involved, participants and fans alike are going to contact this new virus here and there, now and then! IT IS INEVITABLE! And if every time one or just one more player or fan gets infected, we revert backwards, reinstall old restrictions, require better masks, more space regulations, WE ARE DONE! THINK ABOUT IT! We know and are told repeatedly that it takes a long time to develop a really effective vaccination for any new bug that comes along! In fact IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! Common sense and our battle with the flu over the past years is never won completely! New strains come along, old vaccines do not work, people vaccinated GET THE FLU ANYWAY, some even die after vaccinated! And do not try to tell me that it does not happen! Do not try to tell me that people who have never been vaccinated are destined to die from a flu, always! We know that natural immunity has kept many people safer from the flu, than some who vaccinate every year. Now note that it is not being said here that a person should not be vaccinated! But it is being said that it is Un American when people like Bill Gates says that all seven billion people on earth SHOULD HAVE TO BE VACCINATED! I say, Bill, stick with your computer business and do not try to tell me or for that matter, any freedom loving American, THAT WE HAVE TO BE VACCINATED! After all, this is not quite a dictatorship like Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, or China has been in the past, and I for one know that a good percentage of Patriotic Americans are not going to stand for being dictated to! AMEN! The solution is simple if we would only resort to it! Trust God, love your neighbor, regardless of color or race, and realize that life on this earth is going to end anyway, for some sooner and unexpected, for others after long and unpleasant bouts with the infirmity of old age! IT IS INEVITABLE that death lies around the corner for all of us, and at that moment, every last one of us will have to deal with the hereafter! What ever it is. Count on it, prepare if you are wise! Last week's RNR closed with the statement: "Continued discussion of concerns next week!" Well, readers, this is that concern! Our modern civilizations are forgetting far too much about our needed reliance of a loving God and Creator, whose Son Jesus did appear on earth, did voluntarily die a horrible crucified death to redeem mankind, and then rose unlike any human had ever done before, from the dead! Then started a Christian Church on earth to show all of us the way to live this life, and prepare for the next. Deny it all you will, but facts are facts, and those who refuse to believe facts are doomed to a sad future! And the bottom line of that call by Christ is to "Love God... and your neighbor as yourself!" A simple solution to all of the problems that surround us daily! And the cause? Obviously, the HATE that spews from the mouths and actions of people and parties today! The #1 tactic of Marxist Communism! Jake Wren |
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