Cottonwood City Council meets The Cottonwood City Council held their regular August meeting Monday, Aug. 10. Mike and Marilyn Lerandeau appeared for a public hearing about a variance request. They are wanting to rebuild a deteriorating retaining wall and add a carport. The retaining wall is actually just within the setback necessitating the variance request. What they intend to do will not extend into the street anymore than is already the case and in fact the carport would put the vehicle they park there about 8 inches further from the street than is already the case for the vehicle parked there. Later in the meeting the council voted to have city attorney Joe Wright come up with the letter of findings as to why this variance request should be granted. It appears the council members have no issue with this request but you have to follow the procedures. In the reports Pat Holthaus reported the city pumped 5.3 million gallons of water and sold 4.6 million. With the amount used for the street work taken into consideration there was about 500,000 gallons not accounted for leading to a 10% loss. Roy Uhlenkott reported they fixed a couple of leaks. One was at the fairgrounds where 3 pieces of plastic pipe junctioned into a galvanized T that had corroded. Holthaus asked about the fire hydrant on the south edge of the former Elementary School grounds. Uhlenkott said are looking into what needs to be done. Don Munkers reported the sewer system is installing a new data system at the sewer ponds. Data would be transmitted to city hall via cellular network rather than the former phone setup which was out of date and parts could not be found for repairs. Data collected will help with the permit. There were no reports from streets, land and buildings and the airport. Linda Nida reported the Fire Department had 1 extrication and 1 assist but no fires. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. |