to the editor from this week's Chronicle
To the Editor WE must remember and never forget the sons, brothers, fathers ,husbands, all the men who died for us to live in a free country. A country free in every aspect of our lives. YES at times we forget what these men died for and the price they paid so we could destroy cities, businesses, homes, take others lives. So we could spit and stomp on these men and our flag. WE don’t know what it means to be free because we have NEVER lived in tyranny , NEVER dragged from our homes stripped of our clothes and boarded trains, herded like cattle into cars. SHOT AND DUMPED INTO A MASS GRAVE NEVER TO BE FOUND BY OUR FAMILIES. MIA,KIA,POW’S, STARVED, BEATEN, TORTURED, JUST TRY to imagine what they have gone through for us to be free. Then ask GOD to forgive us. For whether you believe in GOD or not does not negate that HE lives and WE will one day Stand before HIM and HE will judge us for everything we have and have not done. I hope and pray GOD will be merciful . Please forward so I can see how far this goes. Please respond no matter what you think. I will pray for all of you! Jane Burgess Cottonwood Should Idaho’s Legislature Need Permission to Meet? I think Governor Little’s continued Orders implemented taxation without representation by not deferring to duly elected representatives of the legislature which is their duty. Given that by definition, a tax is the lowering of earned income due to policy/law, his Order(s) has caused financial “taxation” or “seizing” of assets detrimental to individuals, and is the reason “taxation without representation” is forbidden among people of liberty since the dawn of time. Consider one example extending from this spring’s Order(s). Restaurants and food services were “closed” resulting in the “seizure” or “freezing” of their assets for several weeks. This financial burden was unsustainable for some who closed their doors. This fallout then adversely affected those individuals related to restaurants: individuals producing crops. Recently individuals farming potatoes have dumped portions of last year’s crop due to loss of market with “closed” restaurants causing a significant financial loss. The same is true about the ‘essential’ dairy sector that had to dump milk and sell cows. The list continues, and I think could have been avoided with representation from our duly elected legislators while still alerting us about a Chinese flu. Bottom line, for people in a free land, the executive and legislative branch must be separate entities, and representation from legislators is necessary to guard the property of individuals whom legislators represent. Otherwise, taxation (direct or indirect) without representation is indeed tyranny. Scott Perrin Cottonwood, Idaho Dear Editor: The period of time allotted for us to conduct recall efforts to unseat Idaho Governor Brad Little ended last week. We indeed fell far short of the number of voter signatures required to further the goal, but this letter is meant as a hardy thank you to everyone throughout our area who, understanding the seriousness of the matter, cared enough to sign the petition, attend a support rally, or even simply honk your horn with a thumbs up, in passing our sign-wavers along the highway. Very specially appreciated were those elected officials, business owners, and community leaders willing to take a stand. But take a stand for what was the question. This drive was not about whether Brad Little was known or liked personally.....casually thought of as doing a good job.....or about it being unfair for us to lay blame only to him since many other politicians are just as guilty.....or that some governors are even worse than Little - - all of which comments and more were made. The recall effort concerned one thing alone: whether Idaho's Chief Executive was or was not upholding the solemn oath he swore to follow strictly the mandates of the Idaho Constitution and its supportive laws of governance. Had the Governor's policies and decrees of the last several months not been found in serious violation of this supreme law, a recall effort would never have been initiated. So, to those who blithely thought we had not enough reason for concern, I would pose this: Suppose you were a business owner. How much abuse of contract by a high-level employee would you not only put up with, but reward, and for how long? Governor Little is the State of Idaho's top employee. At what point do you think We the People should hold him lawfully accountable?? After all, we pretty much get the kind of government we deserve, do we not?! Carol Asher Kamiah
No. 277 - 8/17/2020 Corona spike articles continue! Governments at all levels continue also to struggle with the divided position of the American citizenry. On the one side are those who still insist that the wearing of masks be made obligatory, that spacing be mandated, and that school children be taught electronically and out of the classroom On the other are those who insist that the decisions be made more at the local level, that local areas and individual people be allowed to return to normal, that school children return to school, that sport seasons be allowed to continue as originally scheduled. I for one, totally support the second group. Not denying the threat of Corona, it seems to me that the history of America has always been that we value freedom more than the threats that that pop up now and then that require sacrifice and effort to combat. So I say that the simple solution to the differences of opinion that exist is to respect all sides and let individuals and local areas decide for themselves the best action to take. Feel more secure wearing masks, then do so, but so to should those who choose not to be allowed to refrain. Nervous about your child's attendance at school, or participating in sports? Then make arrangements for schooling at home, or refraining for participating for a time. But in all cases, important it is that each side respect the other, and not insist that the others see it your way! Besides, the claim here is that the threat to our economy and way of life is far more serious than the Corona threat anyway.! So last week we took a good look at the idea of "money," and historically how every nation has gone through several steps that began with barter, or the direct exchange of one thing for another, and has passed through stages where gold and silver have been adopted as official money. Then the process has always continued, first moving away from valuable gold and silver money, to simple "Fiat" or "faith" money that is simply a piece of paper with a promise that it has value. At that point, governments and the banks that support them simply begin printing paper money to provide for the ever growing demands of the citizens who become accustomed to government assistance and grants of all kinds. This has historically and logically led to huge debt and the eventual bankruptcy and collapse of the government involved. Thus last week's article closed with "How long does it take? History tells you about 200 to 250 years! Sadly, our U.S.A is there today!" Let's review again what Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor had to say clear back in 1787, as already discussed at length in RNR's #16 and #134 "A democracy is temporary in nature, it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy finally collapses due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been about 200 years." So as was said at the end of last week's review: "Our U.S.A. is there today!? History records the brutal facts that our country has slowly moved from primarily being a "Protector" of its people, from violations of law inside the country and from invasion from without, to the different goal of "Promoter" of its people by gifts and grants and assistance at all levels. So the record shows that Medicare/Medicaid is the largest current expenditure, around $1.3 trillion dollars, with SOCIAL SECURITY next at $1.1 trillion, while Defense stands at $696.5 billion, and the interest on our national debt of $26.7 trillion dollars is fourth at $337.8 billion dollars. Source-National Debt Clock. (Next week, a look at the threat of inflation posed by the above facts!) Jake Wren