School Board meets With about 20 extra people in attendance the school board discussed and approved a decision tree plan and a sports re-entry plan for the upcoming school year. Of those in attendance Carissa Jones, Sarah Walsh and Ryan Hasselstrom spoke up about their support for the board and their decision to proceed with in school instruction. The board had approved a school re-entry plan at the July meeting. At this meeting they approved a decision tree chart showing procedures that will be followed in case of a positive test. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said although they recommend the use of masks, they will not be required. Also approved was an athletics plan put forth by Jon Rehder. Rehder said football and cross country will not require participants to wear masks. In volleyball, players on the bench would be required to mask up but those on the court would not be. He also said at least a couple of league schools will require masks for spectators coming into their gyms. In other action the board approved authorization of “teacher to new” for Julie Schumacher and Jeff Martin who are both in the midst of taking classes needed for certification for classes they are teaching. The board accepted the resignation of Sherry Gehring as an elementary teacher. Forsmann said she had 6 people apply and would interview 3 of those Tuesday, Aug. 18 and make a decision on hiring with the board’s blessing. District and School Handbooks, bus routes and the Elementary and Jr./Sr. High school schedules were all approved. Kayla Schumacher was approved for hire to the Jr./Sr. High Para Professional Position that opened when Aimee Uhlenkott moved out of the district. The District will have a Back to School Meeting next Tuesday, August 25. Bus Routes for the school year were approved. They are listed below. Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) regulations were approved by the board. CIPA requires school boards to review and approved these each year. The board approved submittal of a Blended Learning Grant Program application which would provide funds to improve online learning capabilities. This does not require the district to go online but would make things better if it comes to that again this year. The board also approved updates to the District policies with nearly all of the changes addressing pandemic issues. In the facilities update Forsmann reported the second half of the Elementary Roof has been completed as has the parking lot resurfacing at the high school. Rehder said he has been working on restriping the parking spaces. The new heating/AC unit in the elementary music room has been installed and was wired up earlier in the day. Dave Shears is looking at a diesel fuel tank for dyed diesel storage for the buses. Money for this would come from the Personal Protective Equipment funding from the CARES Act. This would be a 1000 gallon tank. Shears estimates it would need refilled about every 3-4 weeks and would save the district quite a bit in fuel costs. Also Quality Heating was up at the high school shop to fix the ventilation system. Rehder said you can tell the difference already. In her prinicipal’s report Forsmann said they have had an online training team that has met three times. They will be doing training on Google Classroom and SeeSaw. They are also instituting Wired Wednesdays where classes will be taught as if the instructor and students were all at home. This is all being done to better prepare everyone in case they have to go online for school even though the plan is to make every effort to have students in the buildings. Rehder reported they will not have a dual-credit night. Mrs. Quintal will handle sign-ups once school starts. They have 12 dual credit classes this fall. They had 66 athletes at the athletic meeting Monday, August 10 with several others coming in individually who were unable to make that meeting. Cheerleading practice started Monday, Aug. 17. The first volleyball match is scheduled for Sept. 1 although there is a possibility that could be rescheduled due to a COVID outbreak in Lapwai. The home JV football game against Lewis County scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 27, might get moved to that Friday. First practice for Jr. High girls basketball will be Sept. 1. Their first game is set for Nezperce on Sept. 15. Jr. High football equipment checkout/practice is Tuesday, Aug. 25. Their first game is set for Sept. 10 at Cottonwood against C.V. The Blood Drive will be at the school Tuesday, Sept. 22 and again in the Spring. Due to COVID the traveling bus will be unable to come. Instead they will set up in the gym. Picture day is set for Wednesday, Sept. 9. Packets will go home either Friday, Sept. 4 or Monday, Sept. 7. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. The decision tree chart the school will follow with possible COVID exposure. Prairie’s Athletic Protocol for the 2020-21 school year As we enter the 2020-21 school year, we want to be prepared and have guidelines of what athletics will look like as students come back to school. We also want to have a plan in place to keep all of our athletes safe and limit the amount of exposure to eliminate the spread of Covid-19. Keep in mind that what we do throughout this process is a moving target as we can only control what is happening in the present. In order to keep us moving in the right direction is to assist all athletic participants by providing instruction for limited spread. ● Each athletic facility (football field, high school gym, elementary gym) will have hand sanitizer dispensers-foyer of the gym, football field locker room ● Face masks are optional but strongly encouraged-if fans and players (IHSAA has approved these for players) feel the need to wear these in the facilities they are more than welcome to. ● We will try to keep spectators spread out throughout the high school gym and football field bleachers. We have enough room to accommodate most/all spectators. ● Concessions stand-workers need to wear gloves and masks. One worker will be designated to to handle the money ● Gate workers-will wear gloves and a face covering (mask or shield) Players 1. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. 2. Use hand sanitizer when you enter the gym-games or practice. 3. Limit the amount of contact you have with teammates, opponents, and fans(non-family members) 4. Bring your own water bottle-we will not be using the water bottle carriers this year. DO not share your water bottle with a teammate. If your teammate runs out of water they’ll need to go fill it up themselves 5. Limit time in close proximity locker rooms-it is recommended that you come to practices dressed and ready without the use of the locker rooms. a. Game preparation time-go into the locker room, get dressed and exit the locker room-do not spend 2 quarters in the locker room listening to music. 6. Do not lick your fingers to get a better grip on a ball or to wipe your shoes off. Use the sticky mat available by the bench for traction. 7. Travel on bus-we are planning on having one player per seat, but larger teams may not have that opportunity. We are asking coaches to make a seating chart for bus travel. Players will sit with the same teammate all year to away games in that particular sport 8. Do not share food or drink on the bus or at games/practices Coaches 1. Wash hands thoroughly and often. 2. Use hand sanitizer when you enter the gym-games or practice. 3. We will have our coaches or designated players wipe down the balls with a spray bottle(alcohol solution) and towel-both provided prior to each practice 4. Limit amount of time spent in locker rooms for game preparation. If you have an opportunity to use a larger classroom, do so. Fans 1. Hand sanitizer dispensers in the gym foyer for use when fans enter the gym-limited option at the football field 2. Wash hands thoroughly and often 3. Distance yourself in the bleachers from non-family members 4. Individual schools may require the wearing of masks for their sporting events. Please respect their wishes and be prepared if you travel to games with your face covering. Gate workers 1. Gloves and face coverings for handling money. We are thinking about having passes for 3 different seasons. a. Fall pass-football, volleyball, Jr High football, Jr High girls basketball b. Winter season-girls and boys basketball, Jr High boys basketball, Jr High volleyball c. Spring-baseball, softball, track and field Post Game 1. Limit the amount of time spent on the field or gym floor after games. a. We would like people to exit the facilities ASAP FOOTBALL Coaches/Players will not be required to wear a mask while playing or on the sidelines, but encouraged when they can’t social distance. Team box on the sideline has been expanded to encourage physical distancing. 10 yd line to 10 yd line. Limited non-coaching personnel, please be mindful of your distance and encouraged to wear a mask. Each team provide their own ball boy and keep a clean ball on their own side. The Chain crew will operate on home team side and encouraged to wear a mask, Starting lineups stay at 40 yd line for introductions, limitations of captains for coin toss. No hand shaking after the games VOLLEYBALL Locker room must be disinfected before the visiting team arrives. Players are not required to wear a mask while playing. Coaches are not required to wear a mask while actively coaching. No hand shake before the game. Teams will not switch sides before/after each set. Ball rotation – additional games balls available at the scorer's table. Will be kept wiped between games/timeouts. Away book can sit at the scorer’s table with the clock operator and home book on the stage. They can wear a mask if they choose to do so. If the visiting book does not feel comfortable sitting at the table, they can sit on the end of the visiting bench with their team. Visitors will sit on the west side of the gym behind the visiting bench. What do we do for overflow fans? CROSS COUNTRY Possible teams running together rather than all schools starting at the same time “Invitational” meets-smaller vs. “Open” meets-larger- smaller meets to cut down on exposure Covid Case Response: Player/coach tests positive. Quarantine for 14 days and follow protocols from school and health district. Exposure Administration will notify opponents who were potentially exposed. League schools will do the same for one another. Coaches, players, and personnel who have been exposed and have no symptoms will continue to practice/play. Coaches, players, and personnel will have temperature checks prior to practice/games for a duration of 14 days. Anyone who has a temperature of 100.4 or higher will need to go home at that time.. If at any time you have a fever over 100.4 please stay home. COTTONWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT BUS ROUTES 2020-2021 FERDINAND – David Shears Bus # 08-8 7:05 a.m. Jared Schwartz, Mike Duclos, Toby Schwartz, JP Coppernoll, Gabe Richardson, Justin Hanson, Ferdinand South, Ferdinand Church, Chelsea Tucker, Nick Frei, Cory Lustig, Curtis Nuxoll, Cody Funke. COTTONWOOD BUTTE – Gary Milliman Bus # 18-3 7:00 a.m. Pat McWilliams, Chris Rehder, Brendan Arnzen, Justin Jones, Bob Lustig, Chris Frei, Joe VonBargen, Casey Forsmann, Mark Gehring, Matt Duman, Thomas Holman, Craig Duclos, Nolan Rehder, Bill Remacle, Don Lustig. GREENCREEK – Jerry Schumacher Bus # 09-09 7:00 a.m. Wes Riener, Scott Schacher, Brandon Riener, Matt Schumacher, Tony Bennett, Bo Rose, Adam Forsmann, Matt Elven, Doug Schumacher, TJ Schmidt, Anthony Verdino, Kris Shears, Jacob Forsmann, Mark Anderson, Dale McElroy, Shane Ratcliff, Scot Schlader. COTTONWOOD EAST – Doug Schumacher Bus # 06-6 7:00 a.m. Brett Uhlenkott, Nick Gehring, Chris Duclos, Ryan Uhlenkott, Brett Rowland, Annie Pack, Chris Brannan, Ed Wemhoff, Doug Johnson, Brad Hibbard, Stephanie Weber, Andy Terhaar, Clark Tacke, Cody Graham KEUTERVILLE – Rick Johnson Bus # 00-8 6:45 a.m. Kevin Geis, Cody Granning, Joe Ross, Bob Enneking, Ryan Mader, Gerry Gehring, Glenn Poxleitner, Ronnie Chandler, Jack Secrest, Mike Walsh, Dustin Uhlenkott, Ben Munger, Heath Klapprich, Wayne Shears, Prairie High School, Dustin Behler, Nick Seubert, Jack Duman. MOUGHMER POINT – Bill Weber Bus # 14-4 7:00 a.m. Ron Lightfield, Brian Gehring, Will Schlader, Jeremy Meyers, Mike Kehler, Jon Rehder, Stephen Goeckner, Kenny Geis, Adam Uhlenkott, Prairie High School, Damian Riener, Daniel McIntire, Scott Ross, Hangout, Auxiliary Gym