to the editor from this week's Chronicle
To the Editor As we watch our local schools struggle to make ends meet and provide a quality educational experience for our communities, children, and young adults, Senator Risch’s latest proposal does nothing to meet the challenges of rural Idahoans and our other rural western communities. He offers the tired old framework that has failed in the past. The all-encompassing CBC has been an abysmal failure and has not met for over a year; and his only solution is to offer more legislation that will only bring more of the same results. There really are only two solutions to the challenges we face. We either return to the proper stewardship of our natural resources or fully fund PILT. (PILT, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, is the equivalent of paying taxes on the land base of public lands within a county.) Some estimates of the real value of the public lands within Idaho County would place the proper funding of PILT payments between $16,000,000.00 and $24,000.000.00. There is no vision in the legislation he proposes just more insanity, more lawsuits, the continued loss of resources to catastrophic wildfires and the unceasing degradation of our rural communities. His obvious cluelessness of the current crisis within our rural communities demonstrates his complete lack of concern for his constituents back home. The Senator’s current actions are meaningless in solving the challenges we face. Like the pardoning of Alice Johnson for the injustice of her life sentence for a non-violent drug crime, I can’t help but wonder that if President Trump knew of the injustices our western rural communities have faced at the hands of debauched legislation, he would take action to remedy the situation. Why doesn’t the senator bring this before the President? Jim Chmelik Former Idaho Dear Editor, State Representative from North Idaho (Dist. 1), Heather Scott, held a public meeting in Kooskia Thursday (8/27). Reporting on the Special Legislative Session, she gave us the good news that Priscilla Giddings (Dist. 7) was able to get a bill passed guaranteeing all Idahoans the right to in person voting. There is a nationwide movement to all mail-in voting so, hopefully, the governor won't veto the bill. The House also passed a bill to end the State of Emergency, which would have been very good news for the many small business owners, their families and employees who have been shut down. Unfortunately, the Senate voted unanimously against the bill and to keep the “emergency” going. To those 35 Senators, and especially Dan Johnson (Dist. 6) and Carl Crabtree (Dist. 7), why would you vote to continue to economically crush your fellow Idahoans? Is it that you believe the lie that their work is “non-essential”. Or, is it that you have an allegiance to those Big Business and Special Interest lobbyists and campaign donors (who are benefiting from this economic devastation) instead of the constituents that you supposedly represent and who put you in office? These so called “non-essential” business owners and employees have bills to pay and families to feed. Peoples lives are being destroyed by the Governor's illegal proclamations. Now, when you had an opportunity to save those who may have still been able to survive, you have given your support to this tyranny. Their loss, suffering and destruction is now on your heads too. I can't imaging what could cause you to be so heartless and act so contrary to your oath of office. We have not even seen how severely the economic and social consequences of these actions will be. When the bankruptcy, foreclosure, homelessness and suicide rates skyrocket, realize that you have had a hand in making it happen. You need to be replaced by others unwilling to throw their constituents under the bus for whatever personal benefits they might receive by siding with the enemies amongst us, whose purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. Jay Maxner Kooskia
No. 279 - 8/31/2020 Please pardon me for venting today! I MUST! To use an old saying, "If it is a spade, call it a spade!" So here is my latest gripe! INSANITY IS RULING IN THE U.S.! I dare say it, because only in America can one feel free to express an opinion that offends someone, and get away with it! Even that might be questionable today if not "politically correct!" Well, the following is definitely not politically correct, but I vent my opinion anyway! And my personal challenge to readers out there: Tell me where my opinion has gone wrong! That is your right in this great land as it is mine to pour forth my gripes today! Here goes! No.1) The abortion issue! Can anyone explain to me why there is literally no outcry about the number of innocent babes in the womb ripped unmercifully from their quiet habitat, to the tune of one in every 5.5 births since Roe vs. Wade in 1973, as documented last RNR? Even though our percentages have gone down almost 10% in the last couple of decades, we are still told that some 80% of our current citizens claim to be Christian! REALLY!! I thought that category required at least lip service to the Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill!" And killing is what is going on of the most innocent, the most helpless of all life! Meanwhile we allow mobs to rally and even burn, destroy, and in some cases kill, because one individual of a particular color, dies at the hand of a peace officer in the middle or late at night in some big city where rioting is going on, putting pressure on our men in blue to defend life and property as they pledged to do! And are we Christians not urged to "Love God...and your neighbor as yourself?" Are we phony Christians who really do not care, or are we allowing the lower 20% of our citizenry to rule the roost and call the shots, and dominate the press! Are we asleep or do we even care? No.2) The news media! Unbelievable! The hatred, and I say, venomous HATRED, that boils from most media sources, TV and news papers primarily. Just reading the editorial page of our local Tribune the last few days, especially the cartoons printed virtually every day, makes this old proud American fear for our country! The HATRED of Trump exceeds by far that endured by any other president in our history. True, others have even been assassinated, and during the Civil War, hatred ran red hot between the two combatants. But essentially it was because of Lincoln's desire to a) Preserve the Union, and b) Free the slaves! Now today, unbelievable, the HATRED is aimed at the party which freed slaves originally, and our president who has been responsible for one of the lowest unemployed stats among blacks in our time, and who has been endorsed by many outstanding leaders of that race! Please help me understand why so much publicity is given to the smaller percentage of our citizenry who is filled with this hate! And I cannot overlook the recent professional athletes who are refusing to play, or refuse to salute our flag, because of the widely screamed RACIAL INJUSTICE found in our country! B.S.!!! The record shows that we not only freed slaves from a century's long tradition around the world, and still going on today EVEN IN AFRICA, but we white Americans twice helped put Obama into his presidential seat! Looking at the number of minority races who are very successful in business and politics, and leaders on the payrolls of major sports, plus hold very high positions in the hated Trump administration, my reaction to the "race charge" against us is so much pure BUNK! Finally No.3) The recent continued over reaction to the CORONA threat! REALLY! Vandal and Cougar football put off until SPRING! No fans allowed in professional games? All distant and electronic education for all in some states? Reinforced lock downs! Despite a falling death to confirmed case ratios? Something else is going on here! (And oh yes, a continued discussion of MV = PO and its impact on our economy as mentioned last RNR? Next week, maybe!) Jake Wren