Blood drive reaches goal The goal for the Cottonwood Community Blood drive this time was 82 pints, but we were able to collect 87. We had 94 donors sign in, and out of those we collected 87 pints of blood (73 single red cell units & 7 double units which counts for 14). “We couldn’t accomplish this time after time if it weren’t for the support we receive from our loyal donors” commented Brenda Kaschmitter, blood drive co-chair. Everyone that had a successful donation had their blood tested to see if they have the Covid 19 antibodies. If Vitalant has your email address you should get an email with instructions on how to obtain your results. If they do not have your email you can log on to your account at to see your results. “We would like to also extend a huge thank you to our first time donors, Kathleen Rad, Abbie Leighton, Christa Kerley, Kaylee Brotzman, Kelly Pagliaro and Joshua Snyder; hopefully this will now become a lifetime practice for all of them, Kaschmitter added! “And once again we need to thank our great volunteers; without them this blood drive would not be possible; Linda Arnzen, Judy Forsman, Kathy Kuther, Joyce Lorentz, Mary Lorentz, Sally Rehder, Theresa Uptmor and Veronica Johnson at C’est La V’s, for supplying the lunch for the Vitalant crew” said Donna Quick, blood drive co-chair. “The volunteer duties include, making lunch for the Vitalant workers, checking in and escorting donors, and offering maple bars, water and juice. We have some of the best volunteers around.” said Quick. Co-chairs; Brenda and Donna would also like thank the 20 employees of St. Mary’s Hospital that took the time from their busy day to come in to support the blood drive by donating. The hospital also purchases the maple bars that the donors enjoy after giving blood. The next blood drive will be held on November 24, 2020; if you would like to make an appointment to give that day please contact Brenda Kaschmitter at 962-3251 or you self-schedule by going online at |