to the editor from this week's Chronicle
To the Editor, Last week a letter appeared in the Cottonwood Chronicle stating, St. Mary’s Hospital wanted to share this letter written by the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine article some are referring to as discrediting masking. In the letter the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine article claim, “the intent of our article is to push for more masking, not less.” However, anyone who reads the article will be hard-pressed to find this “intent.” Indeed, the piece is about masking in the hospital setting not the public sphere. The brief mention of masking among the general population says, “we know that wearing a mask outside healthcare facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection” and “in many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.” To suggest the article is a push for general masking outside the hospital environment is patently false. Truly, the followup letter from the authors is an excellent example of Orwellian doublespeak. It is disappointing St. Mary’s Hospital chose to participate in this subterfuge. Even if the NEJM article actually said what the authors now claim it says, it would make no difference. The research does not support masking as a means of preventing the spread of SARS CoV 2. For instance, a 2014 study published by the Taiwan Association For Aerosol Research titled, Comparison of filtration efficiency and pressure drop in Anti-yellow sand masks, quarantine masks medical masks, general masks and handkerchiefs found, “medical masks, general masks, and handkerchiefs were found to provide little protection against respiratory aerosols.” As part of this study, there was a review of the medical literature concerning the efficacy of masking in the surgical theater. In this regard the report states, “one large prospective randomized controlled trial reported on general surgical patients. Half the group underwent operations during which the surgical team used masks, and the other half, masks were not used. No significant difference was observed in the infection rate, and the bacteria that were subsequently cultured did not differ between the two groups. Indeed, a trend for more infections to occur was noted in the group wearing masks.” In short, masks are without value in preventing the spread of aerosoled pathogens. In 2019 the WHO produced a study titled Nonpharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza concerning research and recommendations on personal protective measures. In section 4.3 of the study we find there where 10 randomized controlled trials included in the meta-analysis supporting the paper and “there was no evidence that face-masks are effective in reducing transmission of laboratory confirmed influenza.” Indeed, throughout section 4.3 of the study, the WHO readily admits there is no proof masking works in reducing the transmission of viral pathogens. Citing scientific and medical studies debunking the pro-masking mantra is easy; one could fill an entire edition of the Cottonwood Chronicle with references and quotes from the available literature. It is also easy to find incidental information contrary to the pro-masking shibboleth. One recent example is a CDC study concerning how SARS CoV 2 is spread. Secondarily to the intent of the study it was discovered that of the 154 participants who tested positive for SARS Cov-2, 85% wore masks “most of the time” or “all of the time” in the 14 days prior to a positive test for the coronavirus. While there were no particular controls concerning this aspect of the study, it reaffirms the CDC’s statement that pathogens that are spread easily through airborne transmission require the use of special engineering controls to prevent infections. Surgical masks, ear loop masks, homemade cloth masks bandannas etc., do not fall under the category of special engineering controls; masking is not effective in stopping the spread of SARS CoV 2. Our society is awash with misinformation concerning COVID-19. Nevertheless, the truth is available to those who take the time to look beyond popular opinion. Until recently, scientific and medical literature concerning masking was nearly unanimous in saying masks are not effective in mitigating the spread of viruses. The fact this information is pushed to the side and considered “harmful” is evidence of the politicization of medical science not increased knowledge. In this environment we need civil servants and medical professionals with the courage to do the research and speak the truth. May God provide us with the same. D. Eric Williams, Cottonwood To the Editor The classic Abbott and Costello routine "Who's On First?” reminds me of the Idaho County Commission’s handling of solid waste disposal planning. I'll call their new version "Here's Your Trash Plan!" due to confusion and mixed signals about the plan and who's in charge of trash. At the 10/6/2020 Commission meeting, property owners adjacent to land recently purchased by Robert Simmons near the intersection of U.S. Highway 95 and Short Road said the purchase was done secretly, "highly confidential". No commissioner took responsibility to advocate for the people who elected them. They didn’t even know about it, but one offered "It's a tough issue and someone is always going to be unhappy." Mr. Simmons later pointed out that Idaho County has no land use planning or zoning laws to restrict him from developing his property as he chooses. Strong words, but rather tone deaf for a contractor from Lewis County with two years left on his ten year deal worth almost $2 million a year. More misdirection: one of the commissioners said the land purchased by Simmons was one of "three waste collection sites, part of a Regional Waste Management Plan." That sounds good - maybe there is a plan? A county staffer said there’s no written plan, adding "I think a better description would be that three sites are being proposed by Simmons." Who’s on first, and what’s on second, and the contractor has an unwritten plan with the commissioners’ loyal support? Very funny. Either County taxpayers wait for the big reveal (“Here’s Your Trash Plan!”) or demand accountability, transparency, and inclusion. Joe Cladouhos Dear Editor, If those who are managing this “pandemic” are so concerned about our health, why are they actively keeping promising treatments for “Covid” from us? There are plenty of doctors out there who are having great success in treating patients with “Covid”. Why are they being ignored and censored? Instead of sharing all these treatments and saving lives, we are being told that the only answer is a fast tracked vaccine. This reeks of a serious conflict of interest, at the very least. Dr. Brownstein, of Detroit, has treated 107 “Covid” patients, in a clinical study, with 100% success. He administers vitamins A, C and D and a simple nebulized hydrogen peroxide and iodine solution. This study was published in July. You can watch him being interviewed by Dr. Mercola (go to mercola.com and search for Dr. Brownstein). There is also a video on how to prepare and use the peroxide solution and a link to the study. Dr. Mercola also recommends taking quercetin and zinc. Dr. Bartlett, a Texas M.D. for 28 years, a medical expert for a CBS affiliate in west Texas, has been using an inhaled steroid often used by asthma patients called Budesonide, administered through a nebulizer, for his “Covid” patients. The protocol has proven to be 100% effective. He also uses the antibiotic clarithromycin to combat secondary bacterial pneumonia and he also prescribes zinc, “because it interferes with virus multiplication.” His July 2nd interview has been taken down by YouTube “for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.” On July 3rd, the New York Post cites “A new study has found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine helped COVID-19 patients better survive in the hospital.” On August 7, PJMedia states “There's a Mountain of Evidence That Hydroxychloroquine Is an Effective Treatment for COVID-19.” However, a search of the drug brings up mostly results saying it is not effective. Why all the misdirection on the part of the media and medical websites? Trying to get us to hold out for the magic bullet vaccine? More on the vaccine later. In the meantime, prepare to be able to take care of yourselves. Jay Maxner Kooskia Redneck Review! No. 287 - 10/26/2020 Time marches on! Relentlessly! Recently we have reviewed books written decades ago which documented plans that Communism has for taking over the world and establishing a one-world dictatorial government. Born only in 1917 with the takeover of Russia, that new force has had amazing success in taking control of about 1/3rd of the world's population, using promises made by a socialist government of free this and that, taxing the rich and eventually eliminating all property ownership, traditional religions and family units. The crucial question we must ask ourselves is this: What are the chances this relentless and godless force could take over our own America, and force us into the life styles now in present day Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and other smaller countries under some degree of control by that movement? Only the future will tell, and some indication of it will come to light with the results of our elections next month! One must ask what percentage of hard working and honest Americans really know what is in store for them, depending on the results of that election! Readers of the last few reviews of Dr. Schwarz's and Skousen's books, plus actual statements of communist officials themselves provided here at great length should have provided more clarity about the type of future that is in store for us! For a very timely and knowledgeable picture of that potential future, get on U -Tube and listen to the 25 minute talk Fr. Ed Meeks gave some time weeks ago, regarding the outcome of our coming election. It may shock or even anger some readers, but regardless, it is a timely and pertinent commentary on that election, titled by him as "Staring into the Abyss!" You may or may not like the message you find there, but this writer claims that his fears are well founded, based on his knowledge of history and the current situation in the world today! You might also find that talk on a Google search: Fr. Ed Meeks, Staring into the Abyss. A change of pace here! Regardless of the results of that coming election, other concerns are well worth considering! Our unprecedented flooding of the economy with record amounts of new paper money and our equally unusual near zero interest rates for long term big loans, should warn us of one potential threat, the collapse of the American dollar and the plunging of our country and maybe even the world into a long and disastrous depression! Or alternately, a period of runaway inflation brought on by the huge amounts of new money buying a reduced amount of new goods, brought on by the national lock downs relating to the Corona Virus fight. Either way, one might ask what will happen to the price of valuable metals like gold, silver, platinum etc.? Following are just a few of hundreds of statements found in news letters found in the public domain! 1) A recent fine of "920 million, the largest in... history, following a guilty plea by a former JPMorgan trader" against that company for the "suppression of silver and gold prices that JPMorgan had been guilty of since 2008." That suppression of prices had allowed JPMorgan to accumulate billions of dollars of physical gold and silver held in warehouses, some public and some private. 2) "It will not be easy to climb out of this COVID-19... recession...that means negative interest rates for years to come...(causing) investors to continue increasing positions in gold and silver...driving prices to near $2000/oz for gold and $30/oz momentarily in silver." 3) "The fundamentals do not look good for the dollar. The money supply has grown at record levels...This is extremely bullish for both gold and silver... in fact, silver has historically outperformed gold in a gold bull market." 4) "Demand (for silver) has skyrocketed and supply is down... as silver production is on the decline with mine output dropping four straight years." 5)"I wait for the day when gold and silver advance more than 10% in a single day." (Stay tuned for more evidence next week!) Jake Wren |